Relationship between Psychological Contract and Job Satisfaction in Entrants with College Degree
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2013.35041, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,926  浏览: 19,187 
作者: 侯永梅*:广东医学院人文与管理学院心理学教研室
关键词: 初入职的大学生员工心理契约工作满意度期望理论Entrants with College Degree; Psychological Contract; Job Satisfaction; Expectancy Theory
摘要: 的:探讨初入职大学生员工心理契约与工作满意度之间的关系,为提高大学生的就业率,减少企业员工的流动提供参考意见。方法:采用心理契约量表和工作满意度量表对珠江三角洲地区多间企业的250名初入职的大学生员工进行调查,分析员工心理契约与工作满意度之间的关系,预测影响工作满意度的心理契约因素和人口学变量,并提出提高初入职大学生员工工作满意度的建议。结果:1) 初入职的大学生员工的心理契约处于中等偏上水平,其工作满意度处于中等水平。2) 心理契约的两大分量表总分及各维度得分与工作满意度量表总分及其5大维度得分之间均存在显著正相关。其中,人际维度发展维度组织人际责任3大维度得分对工作满意度具有显著预测力。3) 毕业年限不同的员工在心理契约量表总分及其各维度得分、工作满意度量表总分及其各维度上的得分差异显著。结论:心理契约是初入职大学生员工工作满意度的重要影响因素,也是影响企业凝聚力的的重要因素。
Abstract: Objective: To find out the relationship between psychological contract and job satisfaction in en- trants with college degree. Method: The study is based on a survey of 250 entrants with college degree in the Pearl River Delta region, who are assessed with the staff’s psychological contract and the job satisfaction scale, the significant difference and the related factors are analyzed. Result: The scores of the staff’s psycho- logical contract and the psychological satisfaction scale are in the middle level. There are significant rela- tionships between the scores of the every dimensions of the psychological contract and the job satisfaction scale. The three dimensions that can predict job satisfaction are the interpersonal dimension, the develop- mental dimension and the normative dimension. Conclusion: psychological contract is one of the important influent factors to the job satisfaction of the high-degree employees.
文章引用:侯永梅 (2013). 初入职大学生员工心理契约与工作满意度的关系. 心理学进展, 3(5), 269-276. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2013.35041


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