Analyzing the Thought of Political Trickery from the Perspective of Human Nature
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2013.23010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,577  浏览: 7,560 
作者: 段建平*, 杨兴玉*:云南大学公共管理学院
关键词: 韩非马基雅维里性恶论术治Han Fei; Machiavelli; Evil Human Nature; Political Trickery
摘要: 韩非与马基雅维里虽然生活在不同的年代与国家,但并不影响对二者的思想进行比较。其一,二者从性恶论的角度出发来对君王要如何驾驭臣下进行了论证,这是两者政治思想比较的一个基本前提;其二,二者的政治思想产生的时代背景有很大的相似性,这是二者之间有可比性的一个重要原因;其三,二者都用功利主义来解释政治,把政治与道德分割开来。

Although Han Fei and Machiavelli lived in different times and countries, it did not affect the comparison of the ideology between the two of them. Firstly, the two demonstrated what the King should do to control the lieges from the view of Evil Human Nature, which was a basic premise of the comparison of the two’s political thoughts. Secondly, there were many similarities of the time when their political thoughts were generated, which was one of the significant factors of the comparability between the two. Thirdly, both of them explained the politics from the perspective of utilitarianism, and separated politics form morality.

文章引用:段建平, 杨兴玉. 人性论视角下的“术”治思想分析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2013, 2(3): 56-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2013.23010


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