Physical Exercise Influence on High School Students Sleep and Study
DOI: 10.12677/aps.2013.11005, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,293  浏览: 16,360  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈佳欣:西安交通大学附属中学,西安;陈善平*:西安交通大学体育中心,西安
关键词: 高中生体育锻炼睡眠学习效率High School Students; Exercise; Sleep; Learning Efficiency

本文了了解高中生体育锻炼和睡眠的现状,探索体育锻炼对高中生睡眠和学习的影响,对西安部分高中学生进行了问卷调查。调查结果表明:1) 大多数高中生缺乏体育锻炼,仅有20.6%的学生锻炼时间达到30分钟,33.7%每周课外体育锻炼达到三次。2) 高中生把跑步、散步作为锻炼身体的主要形式,需要运动技能的体育项目占比例非常小;大多数高中生没有掌握必要的身体锻炼方法,体育锻炼活动内容单调。3) 高中生睡眠时间严重不足,79.7%的高中生每天的睡眠时间不足7小时;睡眠习惯表现为晚睡早起的特点,多达62%的学生睡眠效果差。4) 学习效率与睡眠效果显著正相关(P < 0.001),睡眠时间不是影响学习效率和睡眠效果的主要因素,改善睡眠效果和提高学习效率应从睡眠习惯和体育锻炼着手。5) 早睡早起习惯越好的学生睡眠效果越好(P < 0.01)、学习效率越高(P < 0.05);养成早睡早起的睡眠习惯有利于改善高中生的睡眠效果,提高学习效率。6) 睡眠效果与锻炼项目数(P < 0.01)、锻炼频率(P < 0.01)显著正相关;学习掌握更多的体育锻炼方法、增加体育锻炼频率有利于改善高中生睡眠效果。

Abstract: In order to understand the status quo of high school students’ physical exercise and sleep, explore the physical exercise influence on high school students’ sleep and learning, the students of Xian part high school has been carried on the questionnaire survey. Survey results show that: 1) Most students lack of physic- cal exercise, only 20.6% of the students exercise 30 minutes, 33.7% of the students exercise three times a week. 2) Running and walking the main exercise form of high school student, sports needed skills are a very small percentage; most high school students do not master the necessary exercise skills, and their exercise activities is monotonous. 3) High school students sleep severity shortage, 79.7% of high school students sleep less than 7 hours every day; Sleep habits show the characteristics of “late to bed and early to rise”, as many as 62% of students sleep effect is poor. 4) The learning efficiency and the effect of sleep significantly positive correlation (P < 0.001), the sleep time is not the main factors influencing the effect of learning efficiency and sleep. 5) The better "Early to bed and early to rise" habit of students, the better the sleep results (P < 0.01), the learning effi- ciency is higher (P < 0.05); “Early to bed and early to rise” sleep habit is beneficial to improve high school students sleep effect, and to improve the learning efficiency. 6) Effects of sleep have significantly positive cor- relation with exercise items (P < 0.01), exercise frequency (P < 0.01); Learning more exercise methods and in- creasing exercise frequency can improve the sleep effect of high school students.
文章引用:陈佳欣, 陈善平. 体育锻炼对高中生睡眠和学习的影响[J]. 体育科学进展, 2013, 1(1): 19-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/aps.2013.11005


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