Consequence Analysis of Safety Injection Manner and Pump Stopping Time Influence on Design Basic Accident of Marine Reactor
DOI: 10.12677/AEPE.2013.13018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,551  浏览: 6,793  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 张彦招, 张帆, 郑映峰:海军工程大学核能科学与工程系,武汉;段孟强:海军驻431厂代表室,葫芦岛
关键词: 压水堆MELCOR失水事故Pressurized Water Reactor; MELCOR; LOCA
摘要: 本文采MELCOR程序,以某船用压水堆为研究对象,分析了冷却剂主管道冷管段中破口失水事故,将所得结果与该船用堆的安全分析报告进行了比对,验证了MELCOR在计算设计基准事故时的准确性。并针对安注方式、停泵时间对事故后果的影响进行了分析,对预测事故进程、缓解事故后果具有重要意义。
Abstract: In this paper, MELCOR code was applied to analyze the break loss of coolant accident occurring at the cold leg in the main pipe, taking the ship reactor for the object of the research. And the results were compared with the safety analysis report for the ship reactor, which proved the accuracy of the calculation for design basic accident (DBA) by MELCOR. The consequences of the accident was analyzed according to the safety injection manner and the pump stopping time, which is important for predicting the accident progress and alleviating the consequence of the accident.
文章引用:张彦招, 张帆, 段孟强, 郑映峰. 安注方式及停泵时间对船用堆设计基准事故后果的影响分析[J]. 电力与能源进展, 2013, 1(3): 105-108. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AEPE.2013.13018


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