Investigation and Analysis of Sexual Knowledge and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS) among 1200 College Students
DOI: 10.12677/ACM.2013.32003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,957  浏览: 10,787 
作者: 王埃胜:武汉大学医院,武汉
关键词: 大学生性知识性观念性传播疾病分析 College Students; Sexual Knowledge; Sexual Attitudes; STDs; Analysis

目的:了解当代大学生对性知识,性传播疾病(STDS)认知程度和性观念改变状况。方法:通过《大学生健康教育》选修课,授课时进行问卷调查归纳建档。结果:1200名大学生对性知识了解程度较高分别是第二性征98.7%和性器官75.0%。对性传播疾病了解程度很高分别是AIDS全称和传播途经(93.0%)和如何预防性传播疾病(85.0%)。性观念改变状况,男女生之间存在差别。结论:《大学生健康教育》作为高校选修课程是大学生了解性知识,性传播疾病和性观念改变一种有效的手段,同时辅以宣传栏,广播和不定期的讲座来普及有关性知识,性健康。帮助大学生培养正确的性知识,性观念,防止性传播疾病在高校中的传播。  Objective: To investigate the status of sexual knowledge, STDS and attitude towards sex change among 1200 college students. Methods: All data were collected by questionnaire survey during the elective “College Student Health Education”. Results: The remarkable cognitive rates of sexual knowledge were secondary sex characteristics (98.7%) and sexual anatomy (75.0%). Notably, the highest cognitive rates of STDs were 93.3% and 85.8% for the full name of AIDS, AIDS transmission approaches and STDS precaution. Change of attitude towards sex is discriminative between male and female. Conclusion: “College Student Health Education” as an elective is significant for college students to know the sexual knowledge and STDS, as well as to change their attitude towards sex. Other than this, methods such as educational propaganda, broadcasting and occasional lectures are also utilized to popularize knowledge about sex, sexual health and to instruct college students the correct sexual knowledge, attitude towards sex and STDs precaution.


文章引用:王埃胜. 1200名大学生性知识和性传播疾病调查分析[J]. 临床医学进展, 2013, 3(2): 11-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACM.2013.32003