The Mentality Hongshou Chen Painted for Lianggong Zhou
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2013.22006, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,629  浏览: 10,230 
作者: 李洪娟*:东南大学,南京
关键词: 陈洪绶周亮工遗民与贰臣Hongshou Chen; Lianggong Zhou; Adherents Erchen
摘要: 顺治七年(1650),周亮工北上路过杭州向陈洪绶索画,他拒绝了这位相交三十多年的老朋友的请求,而第二年却在居无定所的情况下,匆匆为其作画,以往学者大都认为是陈洪绶知道自己在劫难逃,作画以惜别挚友,这固然是一方面,本文从另一个角度切入,以陈洪绶的死因和周亮工当时身份为着手点来分析其中因由,认为陈除表达惜别之情外亦是向挚友求救。 In Emperor Shunzhi seven years (1650), Zhou Lianggong asked Chen Hongshou for paintings by the way to Hangzhou. Although they have 30 years’ friendship, Chen Hongshou refused his claim. What is surprising was that Chen Hongshou painted for Zhou Lianggong in hurry the next year when he had no fixed abode. In the past scholars thought that Chen Hongshou knew his result, so that he painted for his dear friends. This paper started from the cause of Chen Hongshou’s death and the identity of Zhou Lianggong to analyze the reason. This paper explained that this behavior was to ask for help.
文章引用:李洪娟. 陈洪绶为周亮工作画之心态探析[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2013, 2(2): 28-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ARL.2013.22006


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