Progress on the EF-Hand Proteins
DOI: 10.12677/biphy.2013.11001, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,876  浏览: 45,983  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 吁 亭, 赵宇威, 余绍宁*:上海复旦大学化学系,上海
关键词: EF-Hand蛋白EF-Hand结构域钙离子EF-Hand Protein; EF-Hand Motif; Calcium
摘要: EF-hand蛋白作为钙离子结合蛋白家族中的特殊成员和钙离子一起参与了从细胞增殖到细胞凋亡各方面的功能调节,EF-hand蛋白调节信号的异常也被认为是人类多种疾病的诱因。按照功能分类,EF-hand蛋白可以分为具有调控功能的Ca2+信号蛋白和只参与Ca2+转运、缓冲的Ca2+缓冲蛋白两大类。EF-hand蛋白功能的多样性与EF-hand结构的构象、组织形式、对钙离子的响应程度等密切相关。本文就EF-hand蛋白结构与功能的差异以及与疾病的关系进行简要综述。
Abstract: Structural the EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins and calcium have been recognized as the key players in all aspects of cell function, starting with a cell’s birth during mitosis and ending with its apoptotic death. A malfunction in EF-hand proteins-signaling can engender many human diseases. Functionally, EF-hand proteins can be divided into two general classes: the Ca2+ sensors and the Ca2+ buffers. The exceptional versatility of the EF-hand proteins is intimately associated with the diversity of the EF-hand motifs, such as discrepancy in conformations, domain organization, structural responses to calcium and so on. In the present review, we describe the progress on the structure and function of EF-hand proteins, as well as many human diseases caused by signaling dysfunction.
文章引用:吁亭, 赵宇威, 余绍宁. EF-Hand蛋白研究进展[J]. 生物物理学, 2013, 1(1): 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/biphy.2013.11001


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