Why Do Consumers Initiate Re-Word-of-Mouth
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2013.32003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,785  浏览: 13,704  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 刘琰, 董大海:大连理工大学管理学院
关键词: 网络营销鼠碑动机鼠碑反馈再次鼠碑Internet Marketing; Word-of-Mouse Motives; Word-of-Mouse Feedback; Re-Word-of-Mouse
摘要: 鼠碑领域的理论研究和网上企业的营销实践一次又一次地证明,盲目地采用各类鼠碑营销方式去激发网络社区中的消费者发出鼠碑,对于企业鼠碑营销帮助甚微且成本甚大。基于前人对口碑和鼠碑动机和行为的研究成果,本研究聚焦于网络社区中的再次鼠碑行为及其动机,探查出鼠碑反馈的三种类型(提问型、评论型和经历型)和再次鼠碑行为的三种类型(回答型、态度型和经历型),并分析了不同类型的鼠碑反馈对首次鼠碑发出者自我相关动机和他人相关动机的激发作用,以及由不同动机所引发的再次鼠碑行为。本研究认为,识别和跟踪网络社区中的鼠碑首发者、激发其再次鼠碑行为,对于降低企业的鼠碑营销成本、提升鼠碑营销绩效具有重要的意义。
Abstract: Studies on the theories and practice indicate repeatedly that it is less and less fruitful but more and more expensive for the online companies to generate helpful word-of-mouse in the online community. In other words, Internet word-of-mouse marketing tends to become costly but ineffective. Bases on the results of previous word-of-mouth and word-of-mouse motives and behavior studies, our study focuses on word-of-mouse motives and behavior in the online community, and investigates three types of word-of-mouse feedback, which are asking questions, making comments and providing experiences, as well as three types of re-word-of-mouse behavior, which are answering questions, adding attitude and providing more experiences. This study identifies the mediating effect of self-involvement and other-involvement motives on the relationship between word- of-mouse feedback and re-word-of-mouse behavior, as well as different types of re-word-of-mouse that are induced by different types of motives. It is believed that by identifying and tracking initial word-of-mouse senders in the online community and generating their re-word-of-mouse will be really helpful to decrease the marketing expense but increase the marketing performance for online companies.
文章引用:刘琰, 董大海. 为何消费者会再次发出鼠碑[J]. 现代市场营销, 2013, 3(2): 9-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2013.32003


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