The Analysis of Truancy Phenomenon of Undergraduates and Related Measures
DOI: 10.12677/ae.2011.11002, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 5,653  浏览: 14,587 
作者: 曹亚婷
关键词: 大学生逃课对策
Undergraduates; Truancy; Measures
摘要: 关于大学生的逃课问题近年来已经成为社会的热点话题之一,这种现象的产生是由多方面的原因造成的,不仅仅在于大学生自身的因素,而且存在社会形势,及其学校和教师方面的原因。深挖大学生逃课现象的深层次原因,并综合分析这种现象背后的多方面因素,通过从学生心态、教师队伍建设、学校相关体制的改革等方面着手,积极努力去解决并减少大学生逃课现象的发生。
Abstract: In recently years, the truancy phenomenon of undergraduates has become a hot topic in whole society. The phenomenon is caused by many reasons, which include not only the factors of university student, but also the social landscape, university and teachers. To explore the deep reasons of the truancy phenomenon, we should comprehensive analyze numerous factors behind this phenomenon. According to observing undergraduates’ mind, strengthening the contingent of teachers and reforming university’ system, we need work together to reduce the rate of truancy phenomenon of undergraduates.
文章引用:曹亚婷. 大学生逃课现象的原因分析及相关对策[J]. 教育进展, 2011, 1(1): 6-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ae.2011.11002