Modern Theory of Jingluo in Chinese Medicine
摘要: 从量子力学和电动力学等现代科学的观点出发,对中医人体经络理论进行研究。建立简化人体谐振腔模型,求出体内简正波离散谱,及其波长范围:10-6m≤λ≤1m。还得到有意义的结论:1) 证明了体外波的大部份能量分布于体表,这正是经络、腧穴分布于体表并能治病的原因;2) 经气运行系统不同于循环系统和神经系统,经气主要由光子(电磁场量子)、声子(振动能量子)、少量电子、质子和其它微观粒子组成,它的运行遵循量子规律,具有波粒二象性,不能单纯用轨道描述,也不会完全被限制于特定管道内,故其运动不需要特定管道。 In this paper, we studied Jingluo in Chinese medicine by modern method such as the quantum theory and electro-dynamics etc. We established a simplified model of human harmonic wave container, and obtained a harmonic wave band in human body: 10-6m≤λ≤1m. The results show that: 1) Most part of energy of wave outside the body distribute on the skin, this is the reason of that why many loci (acupuncture points) are located on the skin and which may be stimulated to cure diseases; 2) Jingqi transport system in the body is different from the systems of blood, lymph and nerve. Jingqi in Chinese medicine contain photons and phonons mainly, few electrons and other micro-particles, which motion obeys quantum theory, to be possessed of the property of wave and particles, it can’t be described by accurate path, so its movement kept in human bodies is needn’t by any tubes.

文章引用:陶必修. 中医经络的现代理论[J]. 应用物理, 2013, 3(1): 13-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/APP.2013.31004


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