Design and Development of the Cigarette Production Source Tracing and Consumer Sensing System Basing on the Cigarette Packaging Code Printing
摘要: 系统以“一号工程”打码到条为基础,研发分拣线上输送条烟外包装图像瞬间识别装置,并与打码到条系统有机结合,实现打码到条的件烟派生号与打码条烟的品牌规格一一对应,同时建立7 × 24无人值守的自动应答溯源查询系统,以电话、手机、短信、上网四种方式给消费者提供一个感知所购卷烟相关信息的途径,系统自动地记录查询信息,给烟草公司提供了一个新的感知市场状态的信息源。
Abstract: The instant pattern recognition system for cigarette packaging which fixed on the conveyor line of cigarette automatic sorting system has been developed basing on the cigarette packaging code printing of the tobacco industry decision and management system of cigarette production and business operation. The sys-tem enforces the cigarette packaging code which derived from cigarette carton packaging code to correspond the brand specification correctly by recognizing the pattern of cigarette packaging. The 7 × 24 auto-answer source tracing system has been developed for consumer to obtain the information of the bought cigarette by telephone, mobile phone, short messaging service or Web. The inquired data recorded automatically can be used to help the tobacco company to get more sense of the region market.
文章引用:崔哲, 周文文. 基于打码到条的卷烟溯源和消费者感知系统设计开发[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2012, 1(3): 102-107. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2012.13016


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