Analysis on the Construction of Discourse System of Local Culture Communication with Foreign Countries—A Case Study on English Website of Beijing Municipal Government
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2023.113165, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 347  浏览: 468  科研立项经费支持
作者: 郑红莲:浙江越秀外国语学院外语部,浙江 绍兴;夏雅君:景德镇学院外国语学院,江西 景德镇
关键词: 地方文化话语叙事对外交流话语体系Local Culture Discourse Narration Discourse System of Communication with Foreign Countries
摘要: 政府门户网站外文版是中国文化对外传播和交流的一个重要窗口,也是中国对外话语体系建设的有机组成部分。本文基于语言学理论视角,以北京市政府网站英文版为例,重点讨论了北京文化对外话语体系的构建现状和改进机制。总体来看,该网站彰显北京传统文化特色,栏目布局合理,但在话语叙事上模式单一,存在中式英语表达、语法搭配不当、专有名词前后不一致等语言问题。话语叙事不当将影响文化传播效果和对外交流话语体系构建。鉴于此,本文提出通过重视语言在文化传播中的作用、加强概念框架的创建和增强文化话语叙事能力等策略来优化地方文化对外交流话语体系建设,以达到促进我国国际话语权提升的目的。
Abstract: The foreign version of the government portal website is an important window for the communication and exchange of Chinese culture to the outside world, as well as an integral part of the construction of China’s discourse system of communication with foreign countries. Based on the linguistic perspective and taking the English version of the Beijing government portal website as a case study, this paper focuses on the construction status and improvement mechanism of Beijing’s cultural discourse system with foreign countries. On the whole, the website highlights the characteristics of Beijing traditional culture, and the column layout is reasonable. However, in terms of discourse narrative mode, there are some language problems, such as Chinglish expression, improper grammatical collocation, and inconsistent proper nouns. Inappropriate discourse narrative will negatively affect cultural transmission and the construction of the discourse system of foreign communication. Therefore, this paper proposes to optimize the construction of local cultural discourse system by attaching importance to the function of language in cultural communication, strengthening the establishment of conceptual framework and enhancing the narrative ability of cultural discourse, in order to promote China’s power of discourse in the world.
文章引用:郑红莲, 夏雅君. 地方文化对外交流话语体系构建分析——以北京市政府网站英文版为例[J]. 现代语言学, 2023, 11(3): 1230-1242. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2023.113165

1. 引言


2. 北京市政府网站英文版的基本内容

北京市政府网站英文版作为北京文化对外交流话语体系的一部分,在北京国际话语权的构建过程中发挥着重要的作用。该网站的主界面共设有六大板块,分别是主页(Home)、政务公开(Government)、北京资讯(Beijing Info)、政务服务(Services)、政务互动(Contact Us)和最新资讯(Latest)。

其中,“政务公开”版块的下拉菜单里设有五个子版块:市长简介(mayor’s profile)、组织机构(Departments)、行政区域(Administrative Districts)、报告(Reports)和法律政策(Laws & Policies)。“北京资讯”板块包括五个子菜单:资料(Facts)、文化(Culture)、友好城市(Sister Cities)、科技(Sci & Tech)和视频(Videos)。“政务服务”板块有六方面的内容:高需求服务(Most Requested)、在北京投资(Investing in Beijing)、在北京工作(Working in Beijing)、在北京学习(Studying in Beijing)、在北京生活(Living in Beijing)、在北京旅游(Travelling in Beijing)。“政务互动”板块主要包括常见问题(FAQs)、京津冀(Jingjinji)、意见反馈(Feedback)、参与调查(Surveys)等四部分内容。“最新资讯”板块由新闻(News)、法律政策(Laws & Policies)、相片(Photos)、活动(Activities)、专题(Specials)等方面组成。总体来看,北京市政府网站英文版设计美观大方、架构完整合理,是北京文化对外交流话语体系的有机构件。

“北京资讯”板块中的“文化”专栏包括一组以“十大系列”(Top 10 Series)为主题、专门介绍北京文化的系列文章,如北京的十大胡同(Top 10 Hutongs)、北京中轴的10大景点(10 Central Sightseeings on the Central Axis of Beijing)、北京的十所著名高校(10 Universities in Beijing)、十大文化景点(Top 10 Cultural Attractions)、北京夏天的10个有趣现象(10 Interesting Facts in the Summer)、北京10大剧院(Top 10 Theatres in Beijing)和北京十大标志性建筑(10 Iconic Buildings in Beijing)。该专栏凸显北京传统文化的典型特征,对于促进北京传统文化的交流传播、以及帮助国际友人认知北京传统文化具有积极作用。

从语言学视角来看,北京市政府网站英文版在文化话语构建过程中所产生的语言错误很有可能会影响网站浏览者对北京文化的了解和认知,甚至阻碍北京文化的有效传播和我国国际话语权的整体构建。研究表明,地域文化的对外交流话语体系构建是提升我国文化软实力和国际话语权的重要战略任务之一 [1] 。“语言是通往全球化的必经之路”,然而目前我国文化对外交流存在语言沟通不到位、缺乏外国受众能够理解的表达方式、亟需构建完善健全的对外交流话语体系等问题 [2] 。鉴于此,本文以文化专栏里的“十大胡同”英文介绍为例对北京文化对外交流体系进行具体的案例分析。首先,借助语料库技术阐述“十大胡同”英文介绍性话语所呈现出来的主要语言特点;然后,从语言使用的准确性方面对胡同介绍性话语里出现的典型语言错误进行逐一细致地分析,并针对特定语言错误提出改进话语表达及其效果的方式和策略;最后,基于北京市政府网站英文版的整体情况,提出完善北京文化对外交流话语体系、构建国际话语权的对策。

3. “十大胡同”英文介绍的语言特点分析

3.1. 胡同文化的特点


3.2. 高频词突显传统文化内涵

从话语类型来看,有关胡同文化的介绍性话语属于宣传话语的一种基本类型,在北京文化的外宣和推广中扮演着不可或缺的角色,其表达的优劣直接影响北京文化在国际舞台的传播效果。从语言层面来看,话语效果主要取决于词汇、语法和修辞三个层面,本小节主要考察北京胡同文化话语的用词特点。通过对10份英文介绍(见附录)进行清洁整理,以及运用语料库软件(BFSU PowerConc 1.0)对它们进行词频、搭配词和索引行分析。数据显示,北京胡同话语中的高频词凸显北京文化特色和传统文化内涵。从语料库语言学来看,语篇中重要词汇的出现频率能够反映语篇整体所代表的语言词汇分布特征 [3] 。通过词频分析,我们发现“十大胡同”英文介绍语篇里出现频率位居前十的文化关键词有:Beijing,Hutong,street,dynasty,temple,Chinese,city,Qing,east,one,south (如图1所示)。

Figure 1. List of high-frequency words in the English introduction of “Ten Hutongs”

图1. “十大胡同”英文介绍里的高频词列表

3.2.1. 高频名词的文化锚定作用

高频名词Beijing,Hutong,Qing属于专有名词,具有独一性,在胡同文化话语里凸显北京城里的胡同建筑与清朝这一特定历史时期紧密相关,例如Once named “Chengxian Street” in Qing Dynasty, Guozijian Street, also called Guozijian Hutong, gains its fame from Beijing Temple of Confucius and the Imperial College。图2有关“Beijing”(北京)的索引行示例显示,北京作为关键词在胡同文化话语中起着位置锚定作用。词频分析数据表明,temple (寺庙)一词的使用频率也比较高。众所周知,寺庙文化是中华文化的重要组成部分,北京的寺庙不仅历史文化深厚,而且建筑风格各不相同,它们具有很高的文化价值,为后世留下了丰富的历史文化遗产。因此,Temple作为北京文化关键词,与其搭配构成的历史文化景点很多,在胡同文化话语中包括Guangfu Temple,Yonghegong Lama Temple,The Taoist Temple,The Xianliang Temple,The Temple of Heaven,Yanshou Temple,Confucius Temple,the Temple of Earth,Guandi Temple,The Imperial Ancestral Temple等等。通过这些词汇的反复出现,激活受众心理层面有关寺庙文化的感知体验,进而丰富受众的北京文化认知。

3.2.2. 数词和方位词的文化凸显作用

One,east和south作为北京胡同话语的高频词在中国文化中有着特殊的内涵和意义。首先,数词“一”(one)在传统文化中具有重要的地位。从造字法来看,“一”是指事字,《说文解字》(2015: 1)记载,“一,惟初太始,道立于一,造分天地,化成万物。凡一之属皆从一。” [4] 意思是最初万物行成之始,道建立了一,后来才分解为天和地,演化为万事万物。正如老子的《道德经》所言,“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”。在胡同文化话语中,one常与形容词的最高级搭配使用以凸显认知对象,例如one of the oldest/the best-preserved/the most comprehensive等(如图2所示)。

Figure 2. “one” (I) index row example

图2. “one”(一)索引行示例

其次,east (东方/东面/东边)不只是一个相对的地理概念,其不仅表达空间概念,而且有着丰富的文化蕴意,与传统文化紧密相关。《说文解字》提出,“东,动也。从木。从日在木中。”意思是东风吹来,万物发动,所以称之为东。由于东方是太阳升起的方向,充沛的阳光对万物生长极其重要,因此古人对东边有一种自然方位崇拜心理,如常常向东祭拜,居住、坐次都以东向为尊等。在胡同文化话语里,这一传统文化理念表现为很多重要的历史文化景点在描述地理位置时都离不开“东”这一方位词。另外,在北京胡同话语里,我们发现很多重要的历史建筑都是面向南方而建,例如正阳门、永定门、南锣鼓巷和天安门广场,这是因为south (南方/南面/南边)作为方位词同样具有深刻的文化内涵。根据《说文解字》,“南”字的本义为一种敲击乐器,古人为了助兴常敲击乐器奏乐,以及欣赏配乐的舞蹈,因此后来“南”引申为了“乐舞名”,现代作方位词的“南”是采用其假借义。古人称向阳的一面为南,山的南面因日照充分一般草木茂盛、欣欣向荣。据此,南方主掌生养观念映射到社会等级关系中体现为坐北朝南是尊位,北京的传统建筑也都以坐北朝南为尊。

4. “十大胡同”英文介绍的语言错误分析


4.1. 中式英语频现

首先,北京胡同的英文介绍中存在较多的中式英语表达。中式英语(chinglish)指以中文语法结构顺序、词汇顺序直译的英语。有些英语使用者在英文写作时常常先用汉语打腹稿,再把汉语一句一句机械地转换成英语,带有明显的汉语痕迹,中式英语不易被以英语为母语者所接受。如例[1] [2]所示,例[1]介绍了帽儿胡同有许多传统私家园林和名人故居,在该句中“contain”的错误使用就是因为汉语思维习惯采用动词“有”“包括”“含有”表达某地有某物,但按照英文表达习惯和语法要求,该句应采用“there be”句型结构。在例[1]中,“名人故居”的表达也受到中式思维的影响,采用中英文逐字对等的方式,但是按照英文思维方式一般采用of结构,即“former residences of the celebrities”。因此例[1]的正确表达应为“There are many traditional private gardens and former residences of celebrities”。

例[2]主要介绍了从1861年到1959年期间,东交民巷曾是多个外国使团的联络点,包括英、法、美、俄、日、德等国。从语言表达上看,受汉语思维方式的影响,话语构建者根据汉语语法结构采用直译方式进行叙述,导致该句后半部分的非限定性定语从句存在语义模糊、令人费解的问题。我们建议以简洁明了为表述原则将示例[2]修改为“During the period of 1861 to 1959, Dongjiaomin Xiang was a focal point for many foreign legations, such as Britain, France, America, Russia, Japan, and Germany”。

[1] Mao’er Hutong contains many traditional private gardens and celebrities’ former residences.

[2] Dongjiaomin Lane was focal point of a number of foreign legations from 1861 to 1959, which meant Britain, France, America, Russia, Japan, and Germany.

4.2. 语法使用错误较多


4.2.1. 动名词的错误使用


动名词作伴随状语常见于复杂句中,它所表达的动作或状态伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在,伴随状语的逻辑主语一般情况下必须是全句的主语,伴随状语与谓语动词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生。但例[3]中两个动名词honouring和belonging的逻辑主语存在不一致的现象,导致句子层次不清、意义混乱,容易产生歧义。为取得语义明晰的效果,我们建议用介词of引导的介宾结构代替动名词belonging to结构,将例[3]修改为“The area dates from the Ming Dynasty (1368~1644) when it was called the Wenchang Gong, a Taoist temple honouring the spirit of the sixth of China’s 28 constellations.”。

[3] The area dates from the Ming Dynasty (1368~1644) when it was called the Wenchang Gong, a Taoisttemple honouring the spirit belonging to the sixth of China’s 28 constellations.

4.2.2. 介词使用不当


首先,有些语句存在介词缺失的问题,如例[4]中关于西交民巷的位置,west of前面缺少介词on,此句还存在语言累赘的现象,所以建议修改为“Xijiaomin Xiang is on the west of the Forbidden City and Dongjiaomin Xiang”。其次,存在介词搭配错误的现象,特别是与方位词(east, west, south, north)搭配的介词,如in,on,at,to等,误用现象较多。在英文中,搭配不同的介词实现的语义效果有所不同,in表示方位,表“在……之内”,凸显包含义,即一个小地方处在一个大地方的范围之内;on表示方位,指“在……端/边”,凸显相邻义,即一个地方在另一个地方的某一端或某一边,两个地方只是相邻或接壤;at一般不与方位词搭配;to表示方位,指“在……方向”,表示在某范围之外,两者之间可以互相连接,也可以不连接。因此,使用时应特别注意它们之间的语义差异,如例[5]关于一尺巷位置的英文描写,话语构建者既用了in the southeast,又用了on the eastern side,令读者搞不清一尺巷的位置到底是在琉璃厂大街的东南部还是在东边。再次,有些话语还存在介词使用“画蛇添足”的现象,如例[6]后半句中动词unveil属于及物动词,表示揭开、揭示,按照语法规则后面不需要采用介宾结构,而是采用动宾结构,动词后直接跟上“揭示的内容”,因此该句介词in的使用属于多此一举,应该删除,正确的表达为“On June 14, 2008, Guozijian Street with more than 700-year history unveiled its ‘ancient landscape’”。

[4] Xijiaomin Xiang is west of the Forbidden City and west of Dongjiaomin Xiang.

[5] It is only about 10 meters long and is located in the southeast on the eastern side of Glazed Glass Street.

[6] On June 14, 2008, Guozijian Street with more than 700-year history unveiled in its “ancient landscape”.

4.2.3. 固定搭配使用错误

英文中很多表达属于固定搭配和习惯用语,是英语长期发展的一种习惯表达方式,如动词、名词、形容词与介词的搭配使用、动宾结构的搭配使用等。我们发现,在胡同英文介绍里出现一些英文固定搭配使用错误的现象,如例[7]介绍帽儿胡同名称的由来,该句中came into usage就属于固定搭配的错误用法,正确的用法应该是came into use。另外,在该句中出现的succeeding属于多此一举,英文表述“清朝时期”一般直接用during the Qing Dynasty。例[8]同样犯了固定搭配使用不当的错误,按照英文表达习惯,动宾搭配“开商店”常常使用动词run,open,set up等词,而较少使用build一词。

[7] The current name came into usage during the succeeding Qing Dynasty (1644~1911).

[8] A number of pouch stores were successively built on the Skewed Street in the Qing Dynasty.

4.2.4. 非限定性定语从句使用错误

北京胡同英文介绍中,话语构建者多使用非限定性定语从句对关键认知对象进行进一步的补充说明。定语从句分为限定性和非限定性两种,限定性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,如果省略或删除先行词,那么主句的语义将会不完整或不明确。非限定性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开,在非限定性定语从句中,关系词不能用that和those。例[9]是南锣鼓巷介绍的开篇首句,其中包含两个非限定性定语从句,但是在关系词的使用上话语构建者错误地选择了that一词。此外,两个非限定性定语从句之间因为没有使用衔接词而导致两个从句之间的关系含糊不清,产生意义表达冗长、语义重心不突出等语言错误。基于以上问题,我们建议将该句修改为“Nanluoguxiang, a narrow alley, gives its name to an old part of the Beijing city centre and has traditional architecture both new and old”。

[9] Nanluoguxiang is a narrow alley, that gives its name to an old part of the Beijing city centre, that has traditional architecture both new and old.

4.3. 专有名词前后不一致

在北京胡同的英文介绍中,还存在不少语言表达前后不一致的现象,特别是一些专有名词的英文表述。这一问题可能会引起话语受众的误解或不知所措。例如关于南锣鼓巷的英文名就出现了多个不同的表达,如“Nanluogu Xiang”“Nanluogu Lane”“Nanluoguxiang”。其它地名的英文名称也存在类似问题,例如鼓楼东街,有的语篇翻译为“East Gulou Street”,有的文本译为“Gulou East Street”。琉璃厂大街有时直译为Glazed Glass Street,有的地方用的是Glazed Glass Works Old Culture Street或者Liulichang Antiques Street,还有的地方直接音译为Liulichang Street。为了方便受众阅读和理解,也为了更好地传播北京传统文化取得顺畅的跨文化沟通,我们建议将专有名词的英文表达统一规范,保持前后一致。

5. 对外交流话语体系的优化策略


5.1. 重视语言在文化传播中的作用

习近平总书记强调,“要更好地推动中华文化走出去,以文载道、以文传声、以文化人,向世界阐释推介更多具有中国特色、体现中国精神、蕴藏中国智慧的优秀文化” [5] 。中国文化在国际舞台上的推广和宣传离不开语言这一媒介的重要作用。我们通过语言向世界传播中国文化不仅达到跨文化交流的目的,而且有助于提升中国文化的吸引力、亲和力,因此语言在文化传播中的作用不容小觑。语言在传播中的特性包括符号性、系统性、社会性和模糊性。认知语言学认为,语言符号是音义结合体,语言符号的使用既具有强制性,又具有可变性,即在一定时期内语言符号对使用同一种语言的每一个社会成员来说是不能任意改变的,但另一方面它们也会随着社会历史发展而调整变化 [6] 。在传播的过程中语言的系统性体现为话语构建者不能孤立、零散地表达话语意义,而需要关注语言内部结构的层级性、语篇意义的整体性。社会性主要是指,人们借助语言建立并维护个体的社会身份和地位、以及获取认同感,通过语言,社会成员的身份得到确认和加强。由于语言本身具有主观性特征,话语受众基于不同的认知识解很可能产生不尽相同的认知结果,造成传播话语语义内容的模糊性和不确定性。因此,话语传播者应具有移情能力,尽可能做到“换位思考”,从受众的母语特点和文化背景出发组织对外交流话语,确保话语传播的有效性。

5.2. 加强概念框架的创建

概念框架是影响受众理解话语意图的一个重要因素,认知语言学认为,概念框架作为认知工具能够帮助人们构拟他们所期待的社会现实,同时概念框架也能够影响、甚至左右人们对现实的认知 [6] 。在话语层面,概念框架可能构建或重构话语传播者和受众之间的关系。例如著名的认知语言学家莱考夫考察发现,美国政治话语常使用冷战框架和反恐框架,通过这两种概念框架,美国政府借机将自身塑造成世界警察的形象来获得政治正当性,将不正当的对外干涉合法化 [7] 。冷战框架和反恐框架一方面被用来说服美国民众接受政客们所塑造的世界警察的国家形象,另一方面为美国在国际舞台上赢得国际话语权。在冷战框架下,美国发动了朝鲜战争和越南战争;在反恐框架下,美国发动了伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争。因此在文化话语意义构建和传播过程中,我们应有意识地使用框架策略帮助受众了解和掌握中国文化,例如运用文化保护框架构建北京胡同话语比目前所使用的历史建筑框架更能凸显北京胡同的文化价值。

5.3. 增强文化话语叙事能力

相对于一般性话语而言,文化话语更强调文化语境、文化价值观和社会历史背景等因素,要求话语传播者具有良好的话语叙事能力,而缺乏话语叙事能力的文化传播注定是竹篮子打水一场空 [1] 。为此,我们需要在积极了解和借鉴西方话语叙事模式的基础上,制定既凸显中国文化特色又符合国际社会叙事传统的文化话语叙事策略。“寻找中国文化脉搏和世界文化同频共振的结合点,不断推陈创新,推广现代的文化……使中国话语满载中国传统和现代文化,成为更多文化的记忆” [8] 。语用学开创者保罗·格莱斯主张以“非自然意义”(non-natural meaning)深入分析言语交际中的话语意义,认为任何成功的交际都取决于听话人对说话人交际意图的准确理解,为达到成功沟通的目的,交际双方需遵循会话的合作原则 [9] 。合作原则下辖四个准则:量的准则、质的准则、关联准则和方式准则。具体而言,话语内容应包含话语目的所需要的信息,避免累赘冗长;话语内容应真实准确,不能虚假或缺乏足够证据;与话语主题相关联;清楚明白地表达要说的话。根据格莱斯的合作原则,为增强文化话语叙事能力,我们首先在语言组织上应避免晦涩歧义的表达,力求简练、有条理;其次在话语叙事模式上,避免简单地平铺直叙,在强调平等对话的基础上,力求叙事方式的多元化;再次在话语叙事原则上,做到有理有据、逻辑清晰,既具有清晰明确的话语主题,又具有引人入胜的话语内容。

6. 结语









Top 10 Hutongs in Beijing

Hutongs represent an important cultural element of the city of Beijing. Thanks to Beijing’s long history and status as capital for six dynasties, almost every hutong has its anecdotes, and some are even associated with historic events...


Nanluoguxiang is a narrow alley, that gives its name to an old part of the Beijing city centre, that has traditional architecture both new and old.

Running for about a 800 m from East Gulou Street to Di’anmen East Street in the city’s Dongcheng district, the founding the hutong and its surrounding neighbourhood date back to the middle 18th century. As a result, the alley is lined with a variety of structures that typify the ancient architecture of the Yuan Dynasty. There are literally dozens of small shops next to galleries and family-run restaurants ranging from the very traditional to the ultra-modern.

It is a few kilometers from the Forbidden City. It is one of the oldest streets in Beijing, and the traditional Yuan Dynasty style layout is among the best preserved in the country.

Both sides of Nanluogu Xiang connect with eight east-west hutongs. Those eight east-west hutongs include the famous Ju’er Hutong and Mao’er Hutong (see below). Many former famous Chinese people’s residences are in the hutongs around Nanluogu.

Chinese: 南锣鼓巷/Nánluógǔxiàng/‘South Gong Drum Alley’

Location: between Di’anmen East Avenue and Gulou East Avenue, Dongcheng District

Surrounding attractions: Ju’er Hutong, Mao’er Hutong, and Sengge Rinchen Palace

Dongxijiaomin Xiang

Dongxijiaomin Xiang is the longest Hutong, which is 6.5 kilometers (4 miles) long and combines the former foreign legation area of Dongjiaomin Xiang (东交民巷) and the banking street Xijiaomin Hutong. The longest hutong in Beijing is mainly famous for its old foreign-built buildings and the historical events that happened there. It is popular among tourists. Dongjiaomin Lane was focal point of a number of foreign legations from 1861 to 1959, which meant Britain, France, America, Russia, Japan, and Germany.

In the Yuan Dynasty (1271~1368), it was called Dongjiangmi Xiang (‘East River Rice Lane’), as it was next to the river port where rice and food from the south were unloaded for distribution in Beijing.

Chinese: 东西交民巷/Dōngxījiāomín Xiàng/‘East West Intersection People’s Alley’

Location: on the east of Tiananmen Square

Surrounding attractions: Tian’anmen Square, St. Michaels Church, and the Forbidden City

Subway: Line 2 to Qianmen, Exit A, or Line 2 or Line 5 to Chongwenmen, Exit A

Xijiaomin Xiang

Xijiaomin Xiang and Dongjiaomin Xiang were called by a joint name Jiaomi Xiang in the Ming Dynasty (1368~1644). Xijiaomin Xiang is west of the Forbidden City and west of Dongjiaomin Xiang. It is famous as old Beijing’s financial street, and along the kilometer (3,280 feet) long street, you can sightsee the old banks.

About the time of the end of the Qing Dynasty (1644~1912) and the beginning of the Republic of China (about 1900), there were many banks constructed along it. The Daqing Bank was founded in 1905, and it is the most famous Chinese-funded bank because it was the first central bank in Chinese history. It was once called Hubu Bank, and in 1912, Sun Yat-sen, the president of the Republic of China, announced its reorganization to become the Bank of China. This hutong is very quiet.

At the east entrance of Xijiaomin Xiang, there is Continental Bank. It’s said to be the highest quality Western-style classical building ever designed by a Chinese architect. The Central Bank's former site, the Agriculture and Industry Bank of China's former site, and the Continental Bank's former site were listed as officially protected monuments and sites by the Beijing government.

Chinese: 西交民巷/Xījiāomín Xiàng/‘Western Intersection People’s Alley’

Location: on the west of Tian’anmen Square

Surrounding attractions: Tian’anmen Square, National Center for the Performing Arts, China Numismatic Museum, the Forbidden City, Daqing Bank and Continental Bank

Subway: Line 2 to Qianmen, Exit A, or Hepingmen, Exit B1 or B2

Guozijian Street

Located in the internal Andingmen, Dongcheng District, Beijing City, Guozijian Street is an east-west hutong. Once named “Chengxian Street” in Qing Dynasty, Guozijian Street, also called Guozijian Hutong, gains its fame from Beijing Temple of Confucius and the Imperial College.

Built in 1306, the Guozijian at 15 Guozijian Street (国子监街15号) was the highest educational institution of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties that was built to train state bureaucrats. The Confucius Temple was a place to sacrifice to Confucius during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties.

The Yonghegong Lama Temple was originally built in 1694 and was once the residence of the Yongzheng Emperor. There are four pailous (traditional Chinese archways) on the street.

On June 14, 2008, Guozijian Street with more than 700-year history unveiled in its “ancient landscape”. The Temple of Confucius and the Imperial College have restored their original layout and scale in the history and opened to the public officially.

Chinese: 国子监街/Guózǐjiàn Jiē/‘Imperial College Street’

Location: east of Andingmen Inner Avenue and around the corner from Yonghegong Lama Temple, Dongcheng District

Surrounding attractions: Yonghegong Lama Temple, Guozijian Imperial Academy, Confucius Temple, and the Temple of Earth

Getting there: Subway line 2 or line 5 to Yonghegong Lama Temple

Tobacco Pouch Street

Tobacco Pouch Street is one of the oldest byways in Beijing, and it is one of the famous and beautiful cultural streets of Beijing. While many landmarks in Beijing are of China’s imperial heritage, this street preserves the character of a commoner street in Beijing and highlights some of the traditional customs. It is 232 meters long with its east end on the Di’anmen Street and the west to the Silver Ingot Bridge and it’s listed among the eight characteristic streets of Beijing.

While visiting, you can shop for all types of tourist products, eat at the restaurants and numerous street stalls, and stay in the hotels.

It was said that most Manchurians were fond of smoking in the Qing Dynasty (1616~1911); therefore, they carried tobaccos and pouches with them wherever they went. Owing to the increasing demand for pouches in Beijing, a number of pouch stores were successively built on the Skewed Street in the Qing Dynasty, hence its name. In the east of the Skewed Tobacco Pouch Street stands Shuang Sheng Tai Pouch Store, at whose front gate erects a wood-carving pouch, with a red tassel hanging from its red holder, and it’s very impressive.

Guangfu Temple, built in 1459, is located there. The basic architectural style of Tobacco Pouch Street has not changed. It is one of the hutongs selected for preservation.

Chinese: 烟袋斜街/Yāndàixié Jiē/‘Tobacco Pipe Diagonal Street’

Location: west off Di’anmen Outer Avenue, Xicheng District

Surrounding attractions: the Drum Tower

Mao’er Hutong

Mao'er Hutong is generally translated as Hat or Hat Maker Lane. The area dates from the Ming Dynasty (1368~1644) when it was called the Wenchang Gong, a Taoist temple honouring the spirit belonging to the sixth of China’s 28 constellations. The current name came into usage during the succeeding Qing Dynasty (1644~1911).

The hutong runs west to east from Di’anmenwai Dajie to Nanluogu Xiang in the Jiaodaokou sub-district. The best way to find it is from Di'anmen; it's the first alleyway northeast of the old bridge to the east of Qianhai.

Mao’er Hutong contains many traditional private gardens and celebrities’ former residences. Keyuan Garden in Mao’er Hutong is the former residence of Wen Yu, a grand secretary of Emperor Guangxu (1871~1908) of the Qing Dynasty. It imitates the Humble Administrator’s Garden and the Lion Grove in Suzhou. It is one of the best-preserved private gardens in Beijing.

Numbers 35 and 37 of Mao’er Hutong are the former residence of Wan Rong (1906~1946), the last empress of Chinese history. The former residence of Feng Guozhang (1859~1919), one of the major Chinese warlords, is also located in Mao’er Hutong.

Chinese: 帽儿胡同/Màoérhútòng/‘Hat Hutong’

Location: running west to east from Di’anmen Outer Avenue to Nanluoguo Xiang, Dongcheng District

Surrounding attractions: Nanluogu Xiang and Ju’er Hutong, the Drum Tower, and Keyuan Garden

Ju’er Hutong

Ju’er Hutong runs east to west, connecting South Jiaodaokou and Nanluo Guxiang. To its south lies Hou Yuan Ensi Hutong, and to its north lies Shoubi Hutong. It is 438 meters long and 6 meters wide. Street numbers on the north range from 1 to 107, with most quadrangles having already been remodeled into courtyard-style low-rise housing. On the south, numbers range from 2 to 22 with an absence of number 6.

Numbers 3, 5, and 7 of Ju’er Hutong are the former residence of Rong Lu (1836~1903), a minister of the late Qing Dynasty who was appreciated by Empress Dowager Cixi. Numbers 3 and 5 were listed as officially protected monuments and sites in 1988. Number 7 was the Afghan embassy.

At the end of the 1980s, some of the siheyuans of Ju’er Hutong were remodeled, and this program obtained World Habitat Awards from the United Nations.

Chinese: 菊儿胡同/Júér Hútòng/‘Chrysanthemum Hutong’

Location: the lane stretches from Jiaodaokou South Avenue to Nanluogu Xiang

Surrounding attractions: Nanluogu Xiang and Mao’er Hutong

Liulichang Street

Liulichang literally means “glazed glass factory.” Royal kilns in Liulichang Street provided glaze materials for imperial palaces, mansions, and gardens. That is why it is called Liulichang.

Liulichang Antiques Street is now located outside Hepingmen, west to south and north Liu Lane in Xuanwu district and east to Yan Shou Temple street with a length of 800 meters. In Yuan Dynasty, official cave dwelling was set to produce glazed tiles. In Ming dynasty, since a series of palaces were to be built, the cave dwelling was expanded. Finally, Liulichang Antiques Street became one of the five factories of the industry department at that time.

In the early Qing Dynasty, antique shops were set up, and in the Qianlong period (1736~1795), it became the distribution centre for antiques, calligraphy works, Chinese paintings, and the “scholar's four jewels” (writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper). Still there are many shops selling antiques, calligraphy works, and Chinese paintings. Founded in 1672, the famous Rongbaozhai still keeps operating. Liulichang Street is a well-known cultural hutong in China.

Chinese: 琉璃厂古文化街/Liúlichǎng Gǔwénhuà Jiē/‘Glazed Glass Works Old Culture Street’

Location: near Peace Gate (Hepingmen), running from west to east from Nanliu Xiang to Yanshou Street and intersecting South Xinhua Avenue, Xuanwu District

Jinyu Hutong

Jinyu Hutong is 567 meters long. The east entrance of it is 44 meters wide and the west entrance is 12 meters wide. The Xianliang Temple, one of the eight Buddhist temples built in the Qing Dynasty (1644~1911), is in the middle of Jinyu Hutong. Sadly, many buildings of Xianliang Temple no longer exist.

Connecting with the renowned commercial area, Wangfujing Street, Jinyu Hutong is a business street. Different from other hutongs in Beijing, Jinyu Hutong is more like a busy modern street, with asphalt road instead of flagstone road and high-rise buildings rather than old courtyards.

Chinese: 金鱼胡同/Jīnyú Hútòng/‘Goldfish Hutong’

The Eight Hutongs

The Eight Hutongs are a cluster of eight preserved hutongs that was a nightspot in the old days of Beijing, and they have been preserved. They are still places where people can see residential hutongs and the old-fashioned Beijing hutong lifestyle of common people in the central city.

They were founded during the Qianlong Emperor period (1735~1796). Lady Sai Jinhua (1872~1936), a once famous prostitute and influential lady, once lived there.

The Shortest Hutong—Yichidajie

Yichidajie (yīchǐdàjiē ) is the shortest in the 8 hutongs, and it is notable as the shortest hutong in Beijing. The English translation is ‘One Foot Street.’ It is only about 10 meters long and is located in the southeast on the eastern side of Glazed Glass Street (see above). There are six shops in the street.

Yichidajie is incorporated as the western part of Yangmeizhuxiejie Street now.

Yangmeizhuxiejie Street is located southwest of Outer Qianmen Street and is 500 meters from the west side of Dashanlan Street.

Chinese: 八大胡同/Bādà Hútòng/‘Eight Big Hutongs’


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