Discussion on Career Security Problem of Chinese Women at Child-bearing Age
摘要: 本文由最新的两会提案引出对育龄女性职业保障问题的探讨,然后从四个方面——生育政策变迁对中国女性的影响、育龄女性的职场回归困境、政策保障的“双刃剑”、政策困境下的观念逆转,结合公共管理理论、社会福利理论、社会保障理论、人口学、女性学、劳动经济学等方面的知识,分别探讨政策和社会传统观念对于女性职业保障问题的影响,进而论证对于女性就业歧视与育龄女性职场回归等问题,政策和观念双管齐下这种解决模式的可行性和必要性。
Abstract: Based on the latest proposal,the article is talking about the society security problem of Chinese women at child-bearing age.There are four parts:the influence of population policy,the predicament of women’s employment especially for whom at child-bearing age, policy guarantee’s advantage and shortcoming, the conversion of idea under the policy problem.Combined with the public management theories,the social welfare theories, the career security theories, the population theories, the female theories, the labor economic theories etc.,the article analyzes the influence of policy or social traditional idea, then analyzes the problem of women’s employment discrimination and the predicament of women’s employment especially for whom at child-bearing age.In the end,the article give the conclusion that there is the possibility and the necessity that policy and idea should be adopted together to solve the problem.
文章引用:刘洁. 关于育龄女性职业保障问题的探讨[J]. 现代管理, 2011, 1(1): 29-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mm.2011.11006


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