The Influence of Physical Environmental Order on Individual Mental
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2022.1212493, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 329  浏览: 535 
作者: 郭 蕾:广东白云学院,广东 广州
关键词: 物理环境秩序破窗理论随机世界理论Physical Environment Order Broken Window Theory Random World Theory
摘要: 物理环境会给人带来一系列的影响,秩序感知赋予了环境意义。我们在社会生活中经常受到物理环境秩序的干扰,物理环境秩序的研究给环境心理学注入了新的活力,它对道德行为和创造力等有一定的影响。文章回顾了物理环境秩序研究的相关理论及不同的研究者从秩序的不同角度对个体行为和心理所进行的探讨,指出了研究的意义和矛盾之处,并做出了后续研究的发展展望。
Abstract: The physical environment will bring a series of effects to people, and the perception of order gives meaning to the environment. We are often disturbed by order in social life, and the study of order has injected new vitality into environmental psychology, which has a certain impact on moral behavior and creativity. This paper reviews the relevant theories of the study of physical environment order and the discussions of different researchers on individual behavior and psychology from different perspectives of order, points out the significance and contradictions of the research, and makes the development prospects of follow-up research.
文章引用:郭蕾 (2022). 物理环境秩序对个体心理的影响. 心理学进展, 12(12), 4080-4086. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2022.1212493


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