Spatial Econometric Analysis on the Factors of Provincial Industrial Structure in China
摘要: 基于2009年数据运用空间计量模型的研究表明,中国省域产业结构存在明显的空间自相关性,私人消费需求、经济开放度和技术创新对中国省域产业结构存在显著影响,而人力资源、资本投入、政府干预和金融发展等因素的影响则不显著。
Abstract: Based on 2009 annual data, spatial econometric model is used to study provincial industrial struc- ture in China. The conclusion shows that, there is significant spatial autocorrelation in provincial Industrial structure, and not human resource, capital investment, government intervention and financial development, but private consumption demand, economic openness and technological innovation have significant influence on provincial industrial structure.
文章引用:胡荣才, 彭志良. 中国省域产业结构影响因素的空间计量分析[J]. 金融, 2012, 2(1): 36-44.


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