Calculation of radius, Circumcenter Coordinates and Distance of 15 Circumscribed Spheres of Pythagorean 4-State in a Orthocentric Tetrahedron—Application of Pythagorean Theorem of Four Dimensional Volume (Formula 9)
摘要: 用正交4球半径的4元数,证明:垂心四面体的勾股4态[2]的15个外接球[3]半径同构公式、外心坐标同构公式;及其用外接球半径计算外心距离公式;以及12组棱角、6组面角,它们的互补对角的正弦余弦的代数值公式。
Abstract: By using the quaternions of orthogonal 4-sphere radius, it is proved that there are 15 isomorphic formulas of circumscribed sphere radius and circumcenter coordinate isomorphism  of the Pythagorean 4-state of the orthocentric tetrahedron, and the formula of calculating the distance of the circumcenter by using the radius of circumscribed sphere, As well as 12 sets of angles, 6 sets of face angles, their complementary diagonal sine and cosine of the numerical formula.
文章引用:蔡国伟. 垂心四面体的勾股4态15个外接球半径、外心坐标及距离的算法——四维体积勾股定理的应用(公式九)[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2020, 5(1): 1-15. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2020.51028


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