On the Path of Mental Health Education of Primary and Secondary School Students from the Perspective of New Media
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2020.95087, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 904  浏览: 4,866 
作者: 蒋小丽, 夏友奎*:重庆师范大学教育科学学院,重庆
关键词: 新媒体中小学生心理健康教育路径探析New Media Primary and Secondary School Students Mental Health Education Path Analysis
摘要: 当代信息技术高速发展,新媒体不断渗透到青少年生活。新媒体的广泛应用给中小学心理健康教育工作带来诸多便利的同时也产生了不少负面效应。新媒体对当代中小学生的心理发展产生了多方面的影响,以中小学生心理健康教育为研究视角,立足新媒体时代背景,结合00后学生心理发展特点,对中小学校心理健康教育受到新媒体影响因素进行简要分析,探讨中小学生心理健康教育路径。
Abstract: With the rapid development of modern information technology, the new media has been deepening the life of teenagers. The wide application of new media brings a lot of convenience to the mental health education in primary and secondary schools, but also has a lot of negative effects. The new media has exerted various influences on the psychological development of the contemporary primary and secondary school students. From the perspective of the mental health education of the primary and secondary school students, based on the background of the new media era, combined with the characteristics of the psychological development of the Post-00 students, this paper briefly analyzes the influencing factors of the new media on the mental health education of the primary and secondary school students, and probes into the path of the mental health education of the primary and secondary school students.
文章引用:蒋小丽, 夏友奎. 新媒体视角下中小学生心理健康教育路径探析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2020, 9(5): 588-594. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2020.95087


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