Mathematical relations of natural constants
摘要: 通过对自然常数,主要是基本物理常数的研究,本文找到了万有引力常数、费米弱力常数和精细结构常数之间的数学关系,也找到了中子、质子、电子、中微子、夸克、W±,Z0玻色子和希格斯玻色子等所有基本粒子以及暗物质的质量的数学表达式。还发现并运用宇宙量子化规律,计算出了宇宙微波背景辐射温度和致密星的两个质量极限,即钱德拉塞卡极限和托尔曼-奥本海默-沃尔科夫极限。从而为终极大统一理论的完成做出了突破性进展。并且,无意中也为解决希尔伯特的第六个问题取得突破。
Abstract: Through the study of the natural constants, mainly the fundamental physical constants. This paper found the mathematical relations between the universal gravitational constant, Fermi weak force constant and fine structure constant. The mathematical expressions of the mass of the dark matter and all elementary particles, such as neutron, proton, electron, neutrinos, quarks, W±, Z0 bosons and Higgs boson are also found. Besides that, we also noticed and applied a series of the cosmic quantization laws, worked out the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the two mass limits of the compact star, namely Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff Limit and Chandrasekhar Limit. Thus, a breakthrough has been made for the completion of the ultimate grand unification theory. And unintentionally, also in order to solve Hilbert's sixth problem made a breakthrough.
文章引用:刘柄灼, 刘洞赜, 刘向华. 自然常数的数学关系[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2018, 3(1): 1-16. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2018.31005


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