A theoretical basis for the formation of a large scale structure in the universe
摘要: 大量的天文观测结果显示,我们的宇宙似乎显示一种“泡沫网状”结构。几乎所有的星系都分布在狭窄的“纤维带”上,而在它们的中间则是巨大的空洞,这种网络泡沫结构在2度视场星系红移巡天可以清楚的看见。随着宇宙“史隆长城”、“宇宙超级空洞”等一系列不可思议的宇宙大尺度结构被发现,除非引入暗物质理论,否则根据现有宇宙演化理论模型已经难以进行合理解释,本文基于广义相对论、宇宙大爆炸膨胀理论,通过天文观测结果引入一个假设,尝试从理论上对宇宙大尺度结构的形成进行一种理论解释。
Abstract: A large number of astronomical observations show that our universe seems to show a "foam net" structure. Almost all galaxies are distributed in the narrow "fiber band", and in the middle of them are huge holes, which can be seen clearly in the 2 degree field of the galaxy red shift tour. With the discovery of a series of unbelievable cosmic large scale structures, such as the "the Great Wall" and "cosmic super void", the theory of the existing cosmic evolution theory is hard to be explained unless the dark matter theory is introduced. This paper is based on the theory of general relativity and the big explosion expansion theory of the universe, through the astronomical view. The test results introduce a hypothesis, trying to theoretically explain the formation of the large scale structure of the universe.
文章引用:陈相远. 形成宇宙大尺度结构的一种理论基础[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2018, 3(1): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2018.31004


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