English Teaching Appraisal of Higher Vocational College Based on Theory of Multiple Intelligences
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.54054, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,765  浏览: 2,912  科研立项经费支持
作者: 金 晶:浙江邮电职业技术学院,浙江 绍兴
关键词: 多元智能理论多元智能教学评价高职英语Theory of Multiple Intelligence MIT-Based Teaching Appraisal Vocational English
摘要: 合理的英语教学评价体系在改革英语教学模式和方法,提高英语教学质量方面有重要的导向和调控作用。多元智能理论认为人的智能是多元的,智能之间不是独立的,智能以组合的方式运作,教学评价应关注人的各项智能的发展,主张评价与教学过程融为一体,评价与学生成长同步,构建多元化的教学评价体系。在对多元智能理论和多元智能的评价观进行研究的基础上,结合高职学生的生源、英语学习现状、多元智能发展特点,提出了以多元智能理论为基础的高职英语教学评价体系和多元智能评价任务表。基于多元智能理论的高职英语教学评价——以学生为中心的评价理念,以任务驱动为手段的情境化评价,动态的学生档案袋评价,注重评价的多元化、情境化和个性化,在激发高职学生的内生动力,调整英语教学策略,提升英语教学方面取得了一定成效。
Abstract: A reasonable English teaching appraisal plays an important guiding and regulatory role in the reform of English teaching modes and methods as well as the improvement of English teaching performance. Theory of Multiple Intelligence believes that individual intelligences are not singu-lar, which are multiple, and each person is the combination of dynamic intelligences. Intelligences vary in development both within and among individuals, therefore each student should be given opportunity to respect and develop their multiple intelligences. It advocates that MIT-based teaching appraisal should integrate with the process of teaching and learning and the students’ development. Based on the study of Theory of Multiple Intelligence and the higher vocational students’ enrollment, their poor English basis and their multiple intelligences, a vocational English teaching appraisal system and a list of Contextualized Assessment tasks are thus constructed and then put into use in vocational English teaching and learning. MIT-based teaching appraisal focuses on student-centered teaching concept, performance-based contextualized assessments and Portfolio Assessment, whose teaching assessment ought to be multiple, context-driven and learner-centered. It can be helpful to stimulate vocational students’ internal motivation, adjust strategies of English teaching and improve the effectiveness of English teaching and learning.
文章引用:金晶. 基于多元智能理论的高职英语教学评价[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(4): 349-356. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.54054


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