The New Theory and New Methods On The relationship between Stress and Deformation
摘要: 本文完善了一种内应力与内变形之间关系规律研究的新理论与新方法。力学的应力-应变关系理论关于“力与变形成正比”的理论观点是不正确的,正确的理论观念是:变形与力乘时间的平方成正比,与作用质量成反比”。应力-应变理论属于一种似是而非的理论,它掩盖了应力与变形之间的真实关系规律,误导人们在实际问题研究与解决中走向误区。新理论去伪存真,揭示了应力与变形之间的真实关系规律,是基础理论及其应用技术研究领域的巨大突破,这一突破必将带来了一场自然科学及其应用技术革命。
Abstract: This paper presents a new theory and new method for the study of the relationship between internal stress and internal deformation. Mechanical stress - strain relationship of theory about "force is directly proportional to change form" theory view is incorrect, the correct idea is: "take time is proportional to the square of the deformation and force, is inversely proportional to the role of quality". Stress-strain theory belongs to a kind of specious theory, it covers the real relationship between the stress and deformation law of misleading people to misunderstanding in the research and solve practical problems. From a new theory, reveals the true relationship between the stress and deformation law, is a big breakthrough in the field of basic theory and application technology research, this breakthrough will brings a revolution of science and its application technology.
文章引用:王昌益, 苏炜. 内应力与内变形间关系研究的新理论与新方法[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2017, 2(1): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2017.21025


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