Analysis and Evaluation of Factors on Compaction Effect of Granite Residual Soil
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2017.65027, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,342  浏览: 4,104 
作者: 刘伟胜, 胡秋宝:江西省高速公路投资集团有限责任公司,江西 南昌;郭利杨:北京建筑大学,世界城市顺畅交通协同创新中心,北京;蔡硕果:北京特希达交通勘察设计院有限公司,北京
关键词: 路基花岗岩残积土压实效果含水量新型压实评价方法Roadbed Granite Residual Soil Compaction Effect Water Content New Compaction Evaluation Method
摘要: 花岗岩残积土分布广泛,但变异性大、卸荷崩解、遇水软化和高液限,压实特性不易控制。本文从研究土体基本性质出发,结合工程中压实及检测方法存在的问题,分析影响压实效果的因素。选取砂类残积土路基、改良土路基和土石混填路基三段试验路进行现场振动压实试验,通过振动信号测试和原位压实质量测试,将处理分析的结果与通过测定压实度反应压实质量的传统方法进行对比。研究结果表明,幅值法(AA)和谐波比值法(CMV, CCV)可以作为压实质量连续检测的有效方法。
Abstract: Granite residual soil is widely distributed, but it has large variability and high liquid limit, and it disintegrated after unloading, softened with water, causing that its compaction characteristic is difficult to control. This paper based on the study of the basic properties of soils, combining the problems of compaction and testing methods of the actual project, analyzing the factors that affect the compaction effect. Three kinds of the test road which include sand-based residual soil subgrade, improved soil subgrade and soil-filled roadbed were selected to carry on on-site vibration compaction test. Through the vibration signal test and in-situ compaction quality test, the results of the analysis were compared with the traditional method of the compaction quality by testing compactness. The results show that the amplitude method (AA) and harmonic ratio method (CMV, CCV) can be used as an effective method for continuous testing of compaction quality.
文章引用:刘伟胜, 郭利杨, 胡秋宝, 蔡硕果. 花岗岩残积土压实效果影响因素评价与分析[J]. 交通技术, 2017, 6(5): 203-211. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2017.65027


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