Move among Force and Soft, Discussion on Treating Technology of Settlement Joint Leakage of Substructure Work
摘要: 地下工程的沉降缝渗漏现象很普遍,沉降缝的渗漏治理很困难,而且治理后反复性很大,本文分析了沉降缝渗漏的原因,对治理沉降缝渗漏所用的材料、工艺进行了分析研究。
Abstract: Settlement joint leakage is a common phenomenon in substructure work. It is difficult to treat set-tlement joint leakage and it with recurrent trouble. This paper deals with the cause of settlement joint leakage and studies the material and technology used in treating the settlement joint leakage.
文章引用:李成顺, 梁荣顺, 王瑞, 李红波, 王德昌. 刚柔相济,治理地下工程沉降缝渗漏方案探讨[J]. 材料科学, 2017, 7(6): 560-566. https://doi.org/10.12677/MS.2017.76074


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