The Research and Implementation of Web Application Instance
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.53040, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,415  浏览: 2,421  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘城霞, 徐 莉, 夏红科:北京信息科技大学计算机学院,北京
关键词: Web应用案例分层次实践编程Web Application Instance Hierarchical Practical Programming
摘要: 为了让学生对Web程序设计产生兴趣,加强学生实践编程能力,本文主要研究了如何对web应用案例进行了分层次的分析、设计及实现,让学生能够循序渐进的学懂学会web相关技术,并能使用这些技术自主编程完成一个小型web应用系统,并能够发布到网络上,在网络上进行访问。
Abstract: In order to make the students interested in web programming and to strengthen students’ prac-tical programming ability, this paper studies how to analyze, design and implement the instance of web application hierarchically. The students can learn not only the web technology, and can use these technologies to complete a small web application system. At last the system can be released to the network and be accessed in network.
文章引用:刘城霞, 徐莉, 夏红科. Web应用案例研究与实现[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(3): 262-269. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.53040


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