How to Get More Crowdsourcing Solutions: From the Perspective of Demand Descriptions
DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2017.63009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,805  浏览: 4,496 
作者: 左粟民:首都经贸大学经济学院,北京;王明明*:中国人民大学信息学院,北京
关键词: 众包服务商需求参与关键因素案例研究Crowdsourcing Service Provide Demand Participation Key Factor Case Study
摘要: 李克强总理在2015年的国务院常务会议上提出要积极发展众包等新模式,让众包成为了大众热点。众包作为一种基于互联网技术的新型商业模式,在中国诞生十年来推动了共享经济的发展。本文首先回顾了已有文献,归纳了现有关于众包研究的成果与不足,其次通过案例分析法,分析得到了影响众包平台服务商参与数量的如下四个需求关键构成因素:标题内容的目的性、应用场景的清晰性、相关示例的参考性、文字内容的精简性。本文理论上丰富了关于众包参与度领域以及众包需求如何描述的研究,实践上有助于为众包需求方提供实际的行之有效的提高服务商参与度方法。
Abstract: The Premier of China, Li Keqiang, proposed to develop new business models, like crowdsourcing, actively in the executive meeting of the State Council in 2015. It made crowdsourcing become the hotspot among public. As a new business model which is based on internet technology, crowd-sourcing has promoted the whole progress of Sharing Economy ever since it came to China 10 years ago. This paper firstly reviewed existing literature about crowdsourcing and summarized their achievements and shortages. Then by using the case study method, we found four key factors that influence the participation of crowdsourcing: whether the title shows its purpose clearly, whether the application scenarios are clear, whether it has examples and whether the words are refined enough. Theoretically, this paper enriches the area of crowdsourcing participation study and the area of crowdsourcing demand description. Practically, this paper provides ways for contract-out party to gain more participation. 
文章引用:左粟民, 王明明. 如何获得更多的众包方案:需求描述的视角[J]. 电子商务评论, 2017, 6(3): 61-70. https://doi.org/10.12677/ECL.2017.63009


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