Practice and Experience of Bilingual Teaching for Non-Medical Major’s English in General Medical College
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.53031, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,385  浏览: 3,234 
作者: 徐文英:海南医学院管理学院,海南 海口
关键词: 普通医学院校非医学专业双语教学General Medical College Non-Medical Major Bilingual Education
摘要: 普通医学院校非医学专业英语开展双语教学,由于受师资、教材、以及学习氛围等因素的制约,非医学专业英语较其它综合院校的英语水平低。我们通过开设非医学专业英语双语教学的实践,认为普通医学院校开展本专业的双语教学,需要从教材选择、教学方法上选择适合学生的学习内容和学习方法,逐步达到非医学专业英语双语教学目标。
Abstract: Because of the shortage of teacher, teaching material and academic atmosphere, the general medical collages are confronted with the more difficulty in teaching, and the students’ English level is lower than that of other universities. We practice the program of the bilingual teaching for no-medical major's students, and we find that the program can work smoothly. We should carefully select the teaching materials, teaching methods and contents, which can help us attain the goal of the bilingual teaching gradually.
文章引用:徐文英. 普通医学院校开设非医学专业英语双语教学的体会[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(3): 206-209. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.53031


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