Study on Multi-Water Resources Regular Dispatching
摘要: 针对宜兴市目前以横山水库和油车水库为主水源,西氿水作为备用水源的格局,根据生活用水水厂和水源的分布,并同时考虑水厂的取水量和水源水水质的变化,探讨了不同情况下的多水源水量的切换、原水配送策略及原水应急处理措施的判断规则,制定出多水源常规调度和多水源应急调度,保障宜兴市的用水安全,为多水源供水系统的规划设计、运行管理等工作提供借鉴。
Abstract: Hengshan reservoir and Youche reservoir were used as the main water source and Xijiu water was the emergency water source in Yixing city. According to the distribution of water source and waterworks, as well as the changes of water withdrawals and water quality, the judgment rule of multi-water resources switching, distribution of raw water and emergency management measure were discussion. At last,multi-water resources regular dispatching and multi-water resources emergency dispatching were formulated, which offered protection for the water security in Yixing City.
文章引用:陈国强, 张正德, 王剑, 张珏靓. 多水源优化调度技术研究[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2017, 7(3): 202-207. https://doi.org/10.12677/AEP.2017.73029


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