An Analysis of Sinology Education under the Guidance of Students’ Subjectivity
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.52018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,438  浏览: 2,826  科研立项经费支持
作者: 梁桂芳:福州大学人文社科学院,福建 福州
关键词: 高校国学教育主体性Universities Sinology Education Subjectivity
摘要: 随着国家对传统文化的日益重视,高校作为教研前沿阵地开展了诸多国学教育活动。但思想活跃、独立而又勇于创新的大学生作为独特的受众群,其主体性却未受到应有的重视。高校国学教育,在功用上应淡化功利主义、祛除神秘主义,引导学生树立正确的国学观;在教学方法上,应注重熟读精思,破除依注讲经,融会贯通,注重联系现实;同时,国学学习不能埋头故纸堆,应拓展实践空间,培养创新性思维。这样,才能真正实现高校国学人才培养和文化传承的目标。
Abstract: With the increasing emphasis on traditional culture, universities as the forefront of teaching and research carried out a lot of traditional culture education activities. But as a unique audience, the active, independent and innovative college students’ subjectivity has not received due attention. Sinology education in universities should weaken utilitarianism and dispel mysticism, and guide students to establish a correct view of sinology. In teaching methods, sinology education should focus on reading reduplicatively and thinking deeply. We should interconnect the whole subject, integrate theory with practice, but not rely on the comments only. At the same time, sinology education in universities should expand the practice space, and cultivate innovative thinking. In this way, we can truly achieve the goal of college students’ cultivation and cultural heritage.
文章引用:梁桂芳. 学生主体性导向下的高校国学教育浅析[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(2): 113-116. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.52018


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