Innovations of Financial Credit Services under the New-Type Urbanzation—Based on the Comparative Analysis between Beijing and Qinghai
DOI: 10.12677/FIN.2017.72009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,380  浏览: 3,096  国家科技经费支持
作者: 崔婧岑*, 田雨蕾, 郑悦凡:中华女子学院金融系,北京
关键词: 新型城镇化信贷创新农村贷款The New-Type Urbanization Credit Innovation Countryside Loan
摘要: 在新型城镇化建设的大背景下,金融业不仅是发展的条件,也是发展的目的之一,显得十分重要。一些金融机构也为推进我国新型城镇化建设,推出了一些新的信贷服务。然而我们认为信贷服务处于“需求大于供给”的状态,所以目前针对城镇化建设的相关信贷服务是远远不够的。通过了解新型城镇化框架下金融机构已推出的关于信贷服务的政策,以及其中特点及不足,从而对相关信贷政策的创新提出合理化建议。
Abstract: With the construction of new urbanization, it is obviously vital that the financial industry is not only the condition of development, but also one of the objects to develop. Some financial institu-tions have provided various credit services to propel our new urbanization. However, we believe that the situation of financial institutions is demand greater than supply. Therefore, the current credit services are far from enough. We have understood the credit policies which have advantages and disadvantages published by the financial institutions. Finally, we have given rea-sonable suggestions on the innovation of the related credit policies.
文章引用:崔婧岑, 田雨蕾, 郑悦凡. 新型城镇化框架下的金融信贷服务创新—基于北京青海两地的比较分析[J]. 金融, 2017, 7(2): 77-82. https://doi.org/10.12677/FIN.2017.72009


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