Chinese Overseas Interests Transition and One Belt and One Road Construction
摘要: 中国的发展使得中国在海外的利益得到了扩大,然而随着近些年国际形势的不确定性和不稳定性因素的增加,中国的海外利益面临着诸多挑战。中国是世界上第二大经济体国家,中国的海外利益是国家利益的自然延伸,中国巨大的海外利益必须得到维护和发展。在新的形势下,中国海外利益需要进行转型。以中国海外利益的转型来推动中国海外利益的发展,以中国海外利益的转型来推动中国社会的发展。“一带一路”战略为中国海外利益的转型提供了契机,也必将推动中国海外利益的成功转型。
Abstract: With the development, China’s overseas interests have been expanded in recent years. But with the uncertain and instable factors in the international situation increasing, China’s overseas interests face many challenges. China is the second largest economy country in the world. China’s overseas interests are the natural extension of national interests. China’s huge overseas interests must be maintained and developed. In the new condition, China’s overseas interests should come into transition. The transformation of China’s interests abroad promotes the development of China’s overseas interests, which promote the development of Chinese society. One Belt and One Road Construction for the transformation of China’s overseas interests provides an opportunity, and also will promote the successful transformation of China’s overseas interests.
文章引用:孔志国. 中国海外利益转型与一带一路战略[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(1): 144-150.


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