Research on Intra-Group Technology Innovation Performance Evaluation System
摘要: 开展集团内部技术创新绩效评价,是大型企业引导和激励企业各创新主体技术创新的重要机制。按照“实施分类评价、综合构建指标、重视链条对接”的总体思路,为集团内部技术研究单位和产业单位构建了技术创新评价指标体系。对技术研究单位重点加强了基础前瞻性技术投入产出、科技成果产出、向产业单位的成果转化三个方面的评价,对产业单位重点加强了对经济效益产出评价、科技成果产业化评价两个方面的评价。
Abstract: To carry out intra-group technology innovation performance evaluation is an important mechanism to guide and encourage intra-group technological innovation. By analyzing the R&D organization system and functional positions of the large enterprises, and effective connection among different innovation subjects, this paper put forward the general evaluation approach “Classified Evaluation, Integrated Construction of Indicators and Chain Connection”. To technology research units, we should focus on the evaluation of three ways, including the basic and forward-looking technology research, the output of scientific and technological achievements and their conversion to industrial units. To industrial units, we should strengthen output evaluation of economic benefits, and scientific and technological achievements of industrialization evaluation. Finally, the paper designed the evaluation procedures and methods to carry out the real evaluation for large en-terprise groups.
文章引用:石书德. 大型企业集团技术创新绩效评价体系研究[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2015, 4(6): 45-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2015.46008


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