Exploration of Teaching Reform of Computer Network Practical Courses of the Network Engineering Major
摘要: 本文针对计算机网络实验课程存在的实验内容相对陈旧、验证型实验过重、课程实施灵活性差等问题,从实验科目更新、创新能力培养、柔性模块化实验科目设计等方面入手,拟构建多种阶梯型实验类型,充分考虑到不同培养对象的个性化需求,对计算机网络实验课程的科目内容和实施方式等进行探讨并提出改进措施,提出提高高等院校计算机网络课程教学水平的几点建议和对策。为有效提高计算机网络教学质量提供了新思路。
Abstract: In order to solve the problems that the contents of the experiment are relatively old, the propor-tion of the validating experiment is too large and the flexibility of the course is poor, from the update of the experimental subjects, the innovation ability training, the flexible modular design of the experimental subjects and other aspects, fully taking into account the individual needs of different training targets, this paper intends to build a variety of ladder-type experiment types to explore and propose improvement measures for the contents and the implementation methods of the computer network experiment courses. The suggestions and measures which are proposed in this paper to improve the teaching level of the computer network courses in the universities can provide a new idea to effectively improve the quality of computer network teaching.
文章引用:费金龙, 陈熹, 王益伟, 武东英. 网络工程专业计算机网络实践课程教学改革的探索[J]. 创新教育研究, 2015, 3(4): 122-127.


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