The Relationship between Innovative Personality Traits and Innovative Teaching Behavior for Teachers in Taipei Municipal Vocational High Schools in Taiwan
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2015.33011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,646  浏览: 8,121 
作者: 张仁家, 王世超:台北科技大学技术及职业教育研究所,台湾 台北
关键词: 创新性人格特质创新教学行为Innovative Personality Traits Innovative Teaching Behavior
摘要: 本研究旨在探讨公立高级职业学校之教师创新性人格特质与创新教学行为之关系,采用问卷调查方式,针对2014学年度公立高级职业学校之教师进行问卷施测,得有效问卷345份。本研究以描述性统计、相关分析、阶层回归进行统计分析,并获得以下结论:台湾台北市公立高职教师之创新性人格特质对创新教学行为具有正向影响,建议教师们以开阔的胸襟、合作分享的态度,集合团体的智能,激荡出源源不绝的创意火花。   This study is to explore the relationship between the innovative personality traits and the innovative teaching behavior of municipal public vocational school teachers. Based on the study purpose, this research adopts questionnaires. Targeting at teachers in public vocational high school in 2014 academic year, the survey was conducted by random sampling in proportion. In total, 345 valid questionnaires were taken back. Based on descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis for data statistics and analysis, this research is concluded as below: innovative personality traits of teachers in Taiwan municipal public vocational schools convey the positive impact to innovative teaching behavior.
文章引用:张仁家, 王世超. 台湾台北市高职教师创新性人格特质与创新教学行为之关系[J]. 创新教育研究, 2015, 3(3): 59-64.


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