Present Situation, Barriers and Strategies of RMB Internationalization: Analysis from Structure Perspective
摘要: 人民币国际化是一个长期的过程,要经过周边化、区域化、全球化三个阶段。当前,人民币作为贸易结算货币、投资货币和储备货币的国际化步伐虽然加快,但仍然处于较低阶段,这是由于受到金融市场结构、金融体系发育不完善、资本项目管制、经济核心竞争力不强、区域合作不深入等诸多因素的制约,需要进一步的经济金融结构调整和政策推动,以促进人民币的区域化,甚至全球化。
Abstract: At present, the pace of RMB internationalization is speeding up but still at a lower stage because of many barriers, such as less developed financial market structure, imperfect financial system, capital account controls, weak economic core competitiveness and so on. In order to further promote RMB peripheralization, regionalization and globalization steadily and step by step, corresponding policies will be needed.
文章引用:宋亭亭, 方显仓. 人民币国际化的现状、障碍与策略:结构视角的分析[J]. 金融, 2014, 4(1): 33-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/FIN.2014.41005


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