International Shipping Center Evolution And Impact of Information Technology: A Literature Review
摘要: 随着上海国际航运中心建设的加速,国内外关于国际航运中心、高端航运服务业集聚以及信息技术影响的研究成为热点,但是相关研究比较零散,从传统产业视角开展政策制定和规划分析的居多,通过文献述评对国际航运中心演化历程进行研究的较少。本文系统梳理国内外相关研究,从社会化分工和专业化、全球价值链形成、高端航运服务业集聚和国家政策等层面总结以往研究,目的是阐明国际航运中心演化规律,特别探讨了信息技术影响高端航运服务集聚的代表性观点,最后进行总结。
Abstract: With the accelerating construction of Shanghai international shipping center, the domestic and foreign research about the international shipping center, high-end shipping service industry agglomeration and the influence of information technology has become a research hot spot, but the related research is fragmented, mostly carrying policy and planning analysis from the traditional industry perspective. Less is the evolution of international shipping center through the research literature review. In this paper, the related research home and abroad being analyzed systematically, from the social division of labor and specialization, global value chain, high-end shipping service industry agglomeration and national policy level, previous studies are summarized, in order to clarify the evolution of international shipping center. The representative views of the influence of information technology on high end shipping service agglomeration are discussed especially. Finally the summary is given.
文章引用:蒋元涛. 国际航运中心演变历程及信息技术的影响:文献述评研究[J]. 电子商务评论, 2013, 2(2): 13-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ECL.2013.22003


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