















  1. Anatoliy Lapchuk, Ivan Gorbov, Zichun Le*, Qiyuan Xiong, Zhiyi Lu, OlexandrPrygun and Antonina Pankratova. Experimental demonstration of a flexible DOE loop with wideband speckle suppression for laser pico-projectors, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2018, 26(20): 26188-26195
  2. Y. Morozov, A. Lapchuk, Ming-Lei Fu, A. Kryuchyn, Hao-Ran Huang, and Zi-Chun Le*. Numerical analysis of end-fire coupling of surface plasmonpolaritons in a metal-insulator-metal waveguide using a simple photoplastic connector, Photonics Research, 2018, 6(3): 149-156
  3. Fu Ming-Lei, Zhou Han-Qin, Le Zi-Chun*, Dmytro, Manko, Yevhenii, Morozov, Ivan, Gorbov. Planar PMMA X-ray compound refractive lenses with cascaded parabolic microstructures, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A, 2017, 868: 129-132
  4. Lapchuk Anatoliy, Prygun Olexandr, Fu Minglei, Le Zichun*, Xiong Qiyuan, Kryuchyn, Andriy. Dispersion of speckle suppression efficiency for binary DOE structures: spectral domain and coherent matrix approaches, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2017, 25(13): 14575-14597
  5. A. Lapchuk, G. Pashkevich, O. Prygun, I. Kosyak, Minglei Fu, Zichun Le*, A. Kryuchyn. Very efficient speckle suppression in the entire visible range by one two-sided diffractive optical element, APPLIED OPTICS, 2017, 56(5): 1481-1488(封面文章)
  6. Heng-Na Xiong, Yi Li, Zichun Le∗, Yixiao Huang. Non-Markovian dynamics of a qubit coupled to a waveguide in photonic crystals with infinite cavity-array structure, Physica A, 2017, 474: 250-259
  7. Zichun Le, Xiang Wu, Yunli Sun, Ying Du. Simulation of two-dimensional adjustable liquid gradient refractive index (L-GRIN) microlens, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 395: 267-274
  8. Le Zichun, Yin Lixiang, Zou Yu, Wu Xiang. Slab waveguide theory for general multi-slotwaveguide, JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 2016, 63(13): 1260-1269(SCI DO8WH)
  9. Ying Du, Xiang Wu, Meiping Zhu, and Zichun Le*. Theoretical and experimental research on laser-induced damage of cylindrical subwavelength grating, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2015, 23(19): 24296-24307(SCICW5ZQ)
  10. Le Zichun, SunYunli, Du Ying. Liquid Gradient Refractive Index Microlens for Dynamically Adjusting the Beam Focusing, MICROMACHINES, 2015, 6(12): 1984-1995(SCIDA1BZ)


  1. 乐孜纯,董文,全必胜,梁静秋,付明磊,张明,新型X射线器件及其微纳检测系统,中华人民共和国教育部,高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术),二等奖,2015
  2. 乐孜纯,汪沈炎,付明磊,张明,陆春校,面向光/无线混合宽带接入的光器件和系统,浙江省人民政府,浙江省科学技术奖,二等奖,2015
  3. 乐孜纯,第八届“发明创业奖人物奖”,2014,中国发明协会
  4. 乐孜纯,董文,一种超分辨微结构衍射光学元件的制作方法,第十五届中国专利奖(优秀奖),中国国家知识产权局,2013
  5. 乐孜纯,张明,梁荣华,董文,陆春校,付明磊,刘玉玲,汪沈炎,刘恺,新型光交换器件及光交换网络技术,浙江省人民政府,浙江省科学技术奖,二等奖,2012
  6. 乐孜纯,张明,董文,付明磊,刘玉玲,刘恺,全必胜,周寒青,浙江工业大学微结构光学器件及其信息处理系统团队,获第四届中国侨界贡献(创新团队)奖,2012,中华全国归国华侨联合会