






2000 博士,清华大学

1990 硕士,大连理工大学

1987 学士,清华大学



2002年至今     大连理工大学教授

1999年至2000 清华大学生物系进修一年生物化学课程

1997         大连理工大学副教授

1995年1997 德国国家生物技术研究中心进修访问两年

1993年1994 同济大学留德预备部学习一年德语



  1. Zhi-Long Xiu, An-Ping Zeng, and Wolf-Dieter Deckwer(1997): Model analysis concerning effects of growth rate and intracellular tryptophan level on the stability and dynamics of tryptophan operon and tryptophan biosynthesis in bacteria, J. Biotechnol. 58, 125-140
  2. Zhi-Long Xiu, An-Ping Zeng, and Wolf-Dieter Deckwer(1998): Multiplicity and stability analysis of microorganisms in continuous culture: effects of metabolic overflow and growth inhibition, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 57, 251-261
  3. Zhi-Long Xiu, Wolf-Dieter Deckwer and An-Ping Zeng(1999): Estimation of rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide evolution of animal cell culture using material and energy balance. Cytotechnology, 29: 159-166
  4. Ma, Jun-Gang, Xiu Zhi-Long, Zhang Dai-Jia, Jia Ling-Yun(2002): Concentration of liquorice acids by foam separation. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 77: 720-724
  5. Xiu Zhi-Long, Chang Zeng-Yi, Zeng An-Ping(2002): Nonlinear dynamics of regulation of bacterial trp operon: model analysis of integrated effects of repression, feedback inhibition and attenuation. Biotechnol. Prog. 18(4): 686-693
  6. Xiu Zhi-Long, Song Bing-Hui, Sun Li-Hua, Zeng An-Ping(2002):Theoretical analysis of effects of metabolic overflow and time delay on the performance and dynamic behavior of a two-stage fermentation process. Biochem. Eng. J. 11(2-3) : 101-109
  7. Chen, X, Xiu, Z-L, Wang, J, Zhang, D, Xu, P(2003). Stoichiometric analysis and experimental investigation of glycerol bioconversion to 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae under microaerobic conditions. Enzyme Microbial Technol. 33: 386-394
  8. Xi Chen, Dai-Jia Zhang, Wen-Tao Qi, Su-Jun Gao, Zhi-Long Xiu, Ping Xu(2003): Microbial Fed-batch Production of 1,3-Propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae under Micro-aerobic Conditions, App. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 63(2): 143-6
  9. XIU Zhilong, ZHU Xiuling, ZHANG Daijia, YIN Jianzhong, WANG Dehe, AN Lijia (2003). A New Way for Chemical Degradation of Plastic by Natural Volatile Constituents of Ledum Palustre, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(16):1718-1721
  10. Zhi-Long Xiu, Bing-Hui Song, Zong-Tao Wang, Li-Hua Sun, En-Min Feng, An-Ping Zeng(2004): Optimization for biodissimilation of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae in one- and two-stage continuous anaerobic cultures. Biochem. Eng. J. (in press)
  11. 修志龙,朱秀玲,张代佳,银建中,王德和,安利佳(2003):天然挥发性成分化学降解塑料新途径初探。科学通报,489):913-916
  12. 綦文涛,修志龙(2003):甘油生物歧化为1,3-丙二醇过程的代谢和基因调控机理研究进展,中国生物工程杂志,232):64-68
  13. 马永峰,孙丽华,修志龙(2003):连续时滞对微生物连续培养过程中动态行为的影响,高校应用数学学报,181):1-7
  14. 马永峰,孙丽华,修志龙(2003):微生物连续培养过程中振荡的理论分析,工程数学学报,201):1-6
  15. 孙丽华,宋炳辉,修志龙(2003):微生物连续培养过程中动态行为研究大连理工大学学报,434):433-437
  16. 王冰,修志龙,唐焕文(2003):大肠杆菌的基本特性与基因组分析,自然杂志,253):164-166
  17. 王冰,唐焕文,修志龙,方伟武(2003):基于一种新的信息论方法的大肠杆菌基因组的比较研究 中国生物工程杂志,2311):57-62
  18. 张文,唐焕文,方伟武,修志龙(2003):信息离散性度量方法在SARS病毒研究中的应用,计算机与化学,206):719-723
  19. 秦海娜,修志龙(2003):聚乙二醇修饰蛋白质的活化与检测方法,化学通报,6612):w119
  20. 李铮,陈曦,滕虎,修志龙等(2004),SARS流行病传染动力学研究,生物化学与生物物理进展,312):167-171