






1998 博士,中科院 冰川冻土研究所

1991 硕士,中科院 冰川冻土研究所

1988 学士,长春地质学院(现吉林大学)



  1. Jin HJ, Wei Z, Wang SL, Yu QH, Lü LZ, Wu QB, Ji YJ, 2008. Assessment of frozen-ground conditions for engineering geology conditions along the Qinghai-Tibet highway and railway, China. Engineering Geology, 101(3-4): 96-109. DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.04.001. (SCI/EI)
  2. Jin HJ, Sun GY, Yu SP, Jin R, He RX, 2008. Symbiosis of marshes and permafrost in the Da and Xiao Hinggan Mountains in Northeastern China. Chinese Geographical Science, 18(1): 62-69. DOI: 10.1007/s11769-008-0062-0. (SCI)
  3. Jin HJ, Yu QH, Lü LZ, Guo DX, Li YW, 2007. Degradation of permafrost in the Xinganling Mountains, Northeastern China. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 18(2): 245-258. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.589. (SCI)
  4. Jin JH, Chang XL, Wang SL, 2007. Evolution of permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the end of the Pleistocene. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(F2): F02S09. DOI: 10.1029/2006JF000521. (SCI)
  5. Jin HJ, Zhao L, Wang SL, Jin R, 2006. Thermal regimes and degradation modes of permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. Science in China, 49(D11): 1170-1183. DOI: 10.1007/s11430-006-2003-z. (SCI/EI)
  6. Wei Z, Jin HJ, Zhang JM, Ji YJ, Yu SP, He RX, Chang XL, Wu DR, 2010. Prediction of changes in the permafrost environment in Northeastern China under a changing climate. Science in China
  7. Wu YP, Sheng Y, Jin HJ, Wang Y, Chen W, 2010. Mechanical behavior of a buried oil pipelines subject to differential frost heave in permafrost regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology
  8. Wen Z, Sheng Y, Jin HJ, Ma W, Wu QB, Li SY, Li GY, Niu YH, 2010. Thermal Elasto-plastic computation Model of a buried oil pipeline subject to frost heave and thaw settlement. Cold Regions Science and Technology
  9. Xu GF, Qi JL, Jin HJ, 2010. Model test study on influence of freezing and thawing on the crude oil pipeline in cold regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology
  10. Yang SZ, Jin HJ, 2010. Isotopic records of oxygen and deuterium in ice wedges from Yituli'he, Northeast China and their paleoclimatic indications. Science in China (D)
  11. Jin HJ, 2010. Design and construction of a large-diameter crude oil pipeline in Northeastern China.  Cold Regions Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.04.016. (SCI)
  12. He RX, Jin HJ, 2010. Permafrost and cold-region environmental problems of the oil product pipeline from Golmud to Lhasa on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and their mitigation. Cold Regions Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.01.003. (SCI)
  13. Jin HJ, Hao JQ, Chang XL, Zhang JM, Yu QH, Qi JL, Lü LZ, Wang SL, 2010. Zonation and assessment of frozen-ground conditions for engineering geology along the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline route from Mo’he to Daqing, Northeastern China. Cold Regions Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2009.12.003. (SCI)
  14. Jin HJ, He RX, Cheng GD, Wu QB, Wang SL, Lü LZ, Chang XL, 2009. Change in frozen ground and eco-environmental impacts in the Sources Area of the Yellow River on Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Environmental Research Letters, 4(4): 045206. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/045206. (SCI)
  15. Yang SZ, Jin HJ, Yu SP, He RX, Chen YC, Hao JQ, 2009. Environmental hazards and contingency plans along the Chinese-Russian Oil Pipeline route, NE China. Cold Regions Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2009.11.00. (SCI)
  16. Yang SZ, Jin HJ (Corresponding author), Wei Z, He RX, Ji YJ, Li XM, 2009. Bioremediation of oil contaminants spilled in frozen soils environments: a review. Pedosphere, 19(3): 371-381.  DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0160(09)60128-4. (SCI)
  17. Brewer MC, Jin HJ (Corresponding author), 2009. Warming, but not thawing, of the cold permafrost has occurred in Northern Alaska during the last 50 years. Science of Cold & Arid Regions, 1(1): 1-13
  18. Li GY, Sheng Y, Jin HJ, Ma W, Qi JL, Wen Z, Zhang B, Mu YH, Bi GQ, 2009. Development of Freezing-thawing processes of foundation soils surrounding the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline under climate change. Cold Regions Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2009.08.006. (SCI)
  19. Li GY, Sheng Y, Jin HJ, Ma W, Qi JL, Wen Z, 2009. Forecasting the oil temperatures along the proposed Chinese-Russian Crude Oil Pipeline using Quasi 3-D transient heat conduction model. Cold Regions Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2009.08.003. (SCI)
  20. Zhang JM, Qu GZ, Jin HJ, 2009. Estimates on thermal effects of the Chinese-Russian crude oil pipeline in permafrost Regions. Cold Regions Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2009.10.001. (SCI)
  21. Jin HJ, Yu QH, Wang SL, Lü LZ, 2008. Changes in permafrost environments along the Qinghai–Tibet engineering corridor induced by anthropogenic activities and climate warming. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 53(3): 317-333. DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2007.07.005. (SCI)
  22. Jin HJ, MC Brewer, 2008. Highway roadway stability influenced by warm permafrost and seasonal frost action. Science of Cold & Arid Regions, Initial Issue: 26-41
  23. Li X, Cheng GD, Jin HJ, Kang ES, Che T, Jin R, Wu LZ, Nan ZT, Wang J, Shen YP, 2008. Cryospheric change in China. Global and Planetary Change, 62: 210-218. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.02.001. (SCI)
  24. 魏智,金会军,张建明,吉延峻,于少鹏,何瑞霞,常晓丽,武定荣,2010,气候变化条件下中国东北地区多年冻土环境的变化预测,中国科学
  25. 常晓丽,金会军,何瑞霞,2010,西昆仑甜水海北湖砂楔及其古气候意义,第四纪研究
  26. 杨思忠,金会军,2010,大兴安岭伊图里河地区的冰楔冰氢、氧同位素记录及其反映的古温度变化,中国科学(D
  27. 常晓丽,金会军,何瑞霞,罗栋梁,2010,雪盖底部温度(BTS)方法在冻土分布调查和模型研究中的应用:研究进展,冰川冻土,32
  28. 吉延峻,金会军,王国尚,张建民,2010,中俄原油管道(漠河-大庆段)地基土融沉稳定性评价研究,工程地质学报
  29. 金会军,王绍令,吕兰芝,何瑞霞,罗栋梁,2010,黄河源区冻土退化研究,冰川冻土,321):10-17
  30. 金会军,王绍令,何瑞霞,2009,兴安岭多年冻土退化特征,地理科学,292):223-228
  31. 金会军,王绍令,吕兰芝,吉延峻,魏智,俞祁浩,张建明,何瑞霞,常晓丽,于少鹏,郝加前,陈友昌,2009,中俄管道(漠河-乌尔其段)冻土环境工程地质区划和评价,水文地质工程地质,36228):102-107
  32. 杨思忠,金会军,吕兰芝,何瑞霞,常晓丽,于少鹏,郭东信,孙广友,张秋良,周梅,2009,内蒙及东北地区古冻土及古环境考察研究最新进展,冰川冻土,316):1043-1049
  33. 何瑞霞,金会军,吕兰芝,2009,格-拉管道沿线冻土问题及对策,油气储运,289):75-78
  34. 何瑞霞,金会军,吕兰芝,于少鹏,常晓丽,杨思忠,王绍令,孙广友,2009,东北北部冻土与寒区生态环境变化,冰川冻土,313):525-531
  35. 何瑞霞,金会军,常晓丽,吕兰芝,于少鹏,杨思忠,王绍令,孙广友,2009,东北北部多年冻土的退化现状及原因分析,冰川冻土,315):829-834
  36. 杨思忠,金会军,文茜,罗栋梁,于少鹏,2009,伊图里河冰楔温度变化与微生物数量的相关性初探,应用生态学报,2011):2785-2789
  37. 金会军,孙立平,王绍令,何瑞霞,吕兰芝,于少鹏,2008,青藏高原局地因素对地温的双重影响(I):积雪和植被,冰川冻土,304):535-545
  38. 吕兰芝,金会军,王绍令,薛娴,何瑞霞,于少鹏,2008,青藏高原局地因素对地温的双重影响(II):水被和砂层,冰川冻土,304):546-555
  39. 孙广友,金会军,于少鹏,沼泽湿地与多年冻土的共生模式—以中国大兴安岭和小兴安岭为例,湿地科学,200864):479-485
  40. 杨思忠,金会军,2008,冻融作用对冻土区微生物生理和生态的影响,生态学报,2810):5065-5074
  41. 杨思忠,金会军,吉延峻,魏智,2008,寒区线性工程沿线冻土区的植被恢复,冰川冻土,305):875-882
  42. 杨思忠,金会军,吉延俊,2008,冻土区石油污染物迁移及清除研究进展,冰川冻土,303):501-507
  43. 魏智,金会军,罗崇旭,张建明,吕兰芝,杨思忠,吉延峻,2008,过去50年来东北地区气温变化特征及其对冻土环境的影响,兰州大学学报(自然科学版),443):39-42
  44. 李国玉,金会军,盛煜,张建明,俞祁浩,齐吉琳,温智,吕兰芝,童长江,郭东信,王绍令,魏智,杨思忠,吉延峻,于少鹏,何瑞霞,常晓丽,郝加前,陈友昌,吴伟,翟镇远,赵意民,2008,中国-俄罗斯原油管道漠河-大庆段冻土工程地质考察与研究进展,冰川冻土,301):170-175
  45. 常晓丽,金会军,何瑞霞,杨思忠,于少鹏,吕兰芝,郭东信,王绍令,康兴成,2008,中国东北大兴安岭多年冻土与寒区环境考察和研究进展,冰川冻土,301):176-181
  46. 吉延峻,金会军,张建明,2008,中俄原油管道沿线典型土样冻胀性试验研究,冰川冻土,302):296-300
  47. 俞祁浩,白旸,金会军,钱进,潘喜才,2008,应用探地雷达研究中国小兴安岭地区黑河-北安公路沿线岛状多年冻土的分布及其变化,冰川冻土,303):461-468