
贺秀斌,博士,中科院成都山地灾害与环境研究所,研究员, 博导。水土保持研究室主任。英国皇家学会博士后,曾多次到英国、美国、比利时,俄罗斯等国家进行学术访问和合作研究。目前承担973、中国科学院西部行动计划、自然科学基金和四川杰出青年学科带头人培养计划等项目课题。




19956月至19987 博士,中科院水土保持研究所

19909月至19937 硕士,中科院水土保持研究所

19869月至19907 学士,西北大学


已发表论文90多篇,其中SCI收录13篇,IE收录5篇, ISTP收录6篇。

  1. 贺秀斌,张信宝,DE Walling2005 基于湖库沉积剖面Cs-137 变化的流域表层侵蚀速率计算模型,自然科学进展,154):495-498
  2. He Xiubin, Xu Yibei and Zhang Xinbao. 2007. Traditional farming system for soil conservation on slope farmland in southwestern China. Soil and Tillage Research 94(1): 193-200
  3. Zheng Fenli, He Xiubin et al., 2005. Effects of erosion patterns on nutrient loss following deforestation on the Loess Plateau of China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 108:85-97
  4. Zhang Xinbao, He Xiubin, Wen Anbang, D. E. Walling, Feng Mingyi and Zou Xiang. 2004 Sediment source identification by using 137Cs and 210Pb radionuclides in a small catchment of the Hilly Sichuan Basin, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 49(18):1953-1957
  5. 贺秀斌等2004川中丘陵区侵蚀产沙的尺度单元及其研究方法水土保持通报24:18-20
  6. He Xiubin, Xinbao Zhang, Anbang Wen and Bo Zhu. A conceptional model for fingerprinting catchment erosion and sediment source in upper Yangtze River. Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on river sedimentation. Vol IV: 2649-2653. October 18 21, 2004, Yichang, China
  7. He Xiubin et al., Bio-climatic imprint on a Holocene loess palaeosol from China, Asia Earth Science 22:455-464
  8. He Xiubin and Tian Junliang. 2003. A conceptual framework for modeling soil quality dynamics on Loess Plateau of China. Food, Agriculture & Environment 1: 304-307
  9. He Xiubin, Li Zhanbin, Hao Mingde et al., 2003. Down-scale analysis for water scarcity in response to soil-water conservation on Loess Plateau of China.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 94(3):355-3617
  10. 贺秀斌,唐克丽,张成娥,王益权,2001,农业生态与土地退化的土壤微形态研究,土壤与环境,10234-237