Personal Information

Jianchun (Jamie) Mi, Professor / Director of College of Engineering, Peking (Beijing) University.

Educational Experience

1991-1994   PhD candidate, Dept. Mech. Eng., University of Newcastle, Australia

1983-1986   Postgraduate, National Key Laboratory on Coal Combustion, Huazhong University

    of Sci. & Tech. (HUST), PRC

1979-1983   Undergraduate, Dept. Power Eng., HUST, PRC

Employment Experience

2006  Professor, College of Engineering, Peking (Beijing) University, PRC

2005  Senior Research Fellow, Schl. Mech. Eng., University of Adelaide, Australia

1999  Research Fellow, Dept. Mech. Eng., University of Adelaide, Australia

1994  Research Associate, Dept. Mech. Eng., University of Newcastle, Australia

1990  Visiting Scholar, Dept. Mech. Eng., University of Newcastle, Australia

1989  Research Associate, National Key Laboratory on Coal Combustion (HUST), PRC

1988  A/Lecturer, Dept. Electric & Power Eng., Changsha Institute of Electric Power, PRC


  1. Mi J. and Li P. (2011): Influence of injection conditions of reactants on mild combustion characteristics, Flow, Combustion & Flame 157, accepted.[SCI]
  2. Xu M., Mi J. and Li P. (2011): Large eddy simulations of an initially-confined triangular oscillating jet, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 85, accepted. [SCI]
  3. Mi J., Xu M., Du C. and Wang J. J. (2011): Influence of low-pass filter cutoff frequency on turbulence properties of free jets, Experiments in Fluids 49, accepted. [SCI]
  4. Li P., Mi J., Dally B.B., Craig R.A., Wang F. (2011): Effects of equivalence ratio and mixing pattern of reactants on flameless combustion,Proceedings of the CSEE (in Chinese) 31, in press. [EI]
  5. Wang F., Mi J. and Li P. (2011): Effect of heat extraction and the exhaust gas recirculation rate on the premixed combustion, Proceedings of the CSEE (in Chinese) 32, accepted. [EI]
  6. Xu M., Du C. and Mi J. (2011): Centerline Statistics of the small-scale turbulence of a circular jet and their dependence on high frequency noise,Acta Physica Sinica  (in Chinese) 60(1), in press. [SCI]
  7. Wang S. and Mi J. (2011): Effect of large turbulence intensity on airfoil load and flow, ACTA Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 32(1), 41-48. [EI]
  8. Li P., Mi J., Dally B.B., Wang F. et al. (2011): Progress and recent trend in MILD Combustion, Sci. China E. 54(2), 255269; DOI: 10.1007/s11431-010-4257-0. [SCI]
  9. Mi J., Xu M., Antonia, R. A. and Wang J. J. (2011): Thermal characteristics of the wake shear layers from a slightly heated circular cylinder,Experiments in Fluids 50(2), 429-441; DOI 10.1007/s00348-010-0944-7. [SCI]
  10. Mi, J. and Antonia, R. A. (2010): Key factors of determining the magnitude of vorticity in turbulent plane wakes. Chin. Phys. Lett. 27 (2) 024702. [SCI]
  11. Mi, J. and Antonia, R. A. (2010): Approach to local axisymmetry in a turbulent cylinder wake. Experiments in Fluids 48(6), 933-947. [SCI]
  12. Mi, J. and Nathan, G. J. (2010): Statistical properties of turbulent free jets issuing from nine differently-shaped nozzles. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 84, 583-606. [SCI]
  13. Mi, J., Kalt, P. and Nathan, G. J. (2010): On turbulent jets issuing from notched-rectangular and circular orifice plates. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 84, 565-582. [SCI]
  14. Alam M. M. , Zhou Y. , Yang H. X., Guo H. and Mi J. (2010) The ultra-low Reynolds number airfoil wake, Experiments in Fluids 48, 81-103. [SCI]
  15. Mi J. and Li P. (2010): Numerical simulations of flameless premixed combustion in a recuperative furnace, Chinese J. Chemical Engineering  18(1), 10-17. [SCI]
  16. Mi J. and Li P. (2010): Low NOx self-excited oscillating-jet burners, Proceedings of the CSEE (in Chinese) 30(8), 32-38. [EI]