


2022年10-现在 西北工业大学,教授、博导

2019年12-20229月 兰州大学,教授、博导

2016年7-20205月 中国科学技术大学,博士后研究员

2015年1-20151月 香港城市大学,访问研究员(Research Fellow

2013年12-201911月 兰州大学,副教授

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[1] Zhaofu Hong, Hongyan Zhang, Yeming Gong*, Yugang Yu (2022). Towards a multi-party interaction framework: State-of-the-art review in sustainable operations management. International Journal of Production Research, 60(8): 2625-2661. (ABS G3, JCR Q1)

[2] Mingyang Chen, Daozhi Zhao, Yeming Gong, Zhaofu Hong (2021). Reference-dependent preferences in the on-demand service newsvendor with self-scheduling capacity. International Journal of Production Economics, 234: 108043. (ABS G3, JCR Q1)

[3] Yunrong Zhang, Zhaofu Hong*, Zhixiang Chen, Christoph Glock (2020). Tax or subsidy? Design and selection of regulatory policies for remanufacturing. European Journal of Operational Research, 287(3): 885-900 (ABS G4, JCR Q1)

[4] Zhaofu Hong*, Mengfan Li, Xiaoya Han*, Xuhuai He (2020). Innovative green product diffusion through word of mouth. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 134: 101833. (ABS G3, JCR Q1)

[5] Zhaofu Hong, Yunrong Zhang, Yugang Yu*, Chengbin Chu (2020). Dynamic pricing for remanufacturing within socially environmental incentives. International Journal of Production Research, 58(13): 3976-3997. (ABS G3, JCR Q1)

[6] Zhaofu Hong, Xiaolong Guo* (2019). Green product supply chain contracts considering environmental responsibilities. Omega, 83: 663-677. (ABS G3, JCR Q1)

[7] Zhaofu Hong, Hao Wang, Yeming Gong* (2019). Green product design considering functional-product reference. International Journal of Production Economics, 210: 155-168. (ABS G3, JCR Q1)

[8] Zhaofu Hong, Hongyan Zhang* (2019). Innovative crossed advertisement for remanufacturing with interactive production constraints. Journal of Cleaner Production, 216: 197-216. (ABS G2, JCR Q1)

[9] Zhaofu Hong*, Wei Dai, Hsing Lhu, Chenchen Yang (2018). Optimal configuration of a green product supply chain with guaranteed service time and emission constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(2):663-677. (ABS G4, JCR Q1)

[10] Zhaofu Hong, Hao Wang, Yugang Yu* (2018). Green product pricing with non-green product reference. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 115:1-15. (ABS G3, JCR Q1)

[11] Zhaofu Hong, Chengbin Chu, Linda Zhang, Yugang Yu* (2017). Optimizing an emission trading scheme for local governments: A Stackelberg game model and hybrid algorithm. International Journal of Production Economics, 193:172-182. (ABS G3, JCR Q1)

[12] Zhaofu Hong, Chengbin Chu, Yugang Yu* (2016). Dual-mode production planning for manufacturing with emission constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(1):96-196. (ABS G4, JCR Q1)

[13] Yugang Yu, Zhaofu Hong*, Linda Zhang, Liang Liang and Chengbin Chu (2013). Optimal selection of retailers for a manufacturing vendor in a vendor managed inventory system. European Journal of Operational Research, 225(2): 273-284. (ABS G3,JCR Q1)

[14] Yugang Yu, George Q. Huang, Zhaofu Hong and Xiandong Zhang (2011). An integrated pricing and deteriorating model and a hybrid algorithm for a VMI supply chain. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 8(4): 673-682. (JCR Q1)