
刘伟博士,毕业于香港科技大学生物化学专业,现任深圳北京大学香港科技大学医学中心专业技术 4 级研究员,北京大学医学部研究员兼博士生导师,深圳市孔雀计划 B 类人才,广东省及深圳市生物化学与分子生物学学会理事,深圳市医学会基础医学专业委员会候任委员,研究方向为神经信号传递相关蛋白复合物的结构生物学研究。曾获深圳市海外高层次 B 类人才奖、香港科学会青年科学家奖、香港生物化学与分子生物学会奖。近年以第一作者或通讯作者身份在 Cell,eLife,JBC,Structure、Biochemistry等杂志发表 SCI 论文 16 篇,总影响因子 114.419,累计他引104次。其中近5年以一作或通讯作者身份共发表SCI论文12 篇,包括中科院JCR一区论文3篇、二区论文4篇,在神经信号传递相关蛋白复合物的研究中取得了较为系统的进展。





  1. Harun V, Chen J, Liu H, Yoonjung K, Sungsoo Na, Liu W* Hu J*. Artificial spider silk is smart like natural one: having humidity-sensitive shape memory with superior recovery stress. Mater. Chem. Front., 2019 Sep10; 3: 2472-2482
  2. Li J#, Liu H#, Raval MH, Wan J, Yengo CM, Liu W*, and Zhang M*. Structure of the MORN4/Myo3a Tail Complex Reveals MORN Repeats as Protein Binding Modules. Structure. 2019 Sep 3;27(9):1366-1374
  3. Yang Q, Liu H, Li Z, Wang Y, Liu W*. Purification and Mutagenesis Studies of TANC1 Ankyrin Repeats Domain Provide Clues to Understand Mis-sense Variants from Diseases. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 Jun 25;514(2):358-364
  4. Li Z#, Liu H#, Li J, Yang Q, Feng Z, Li Y, Yang H, Yu C, Wan J, Liu W*, Zhang M*.Homer Tetramer Promotes Actin Bundling Activity of Drebrin. Structure. 2019 Jan 2;27(1):27-38.e4
  5. Ye F#, Huang Y#, Li J, Ma Y, Xie C, Liu Z, Deng X, Wan J, Xue T, Liu W*, Zhang M*.An unexpected INAD PDZ tandem-mediated PLCβ binding in Drosophila photo receptors. eLife. 2018 Dec 10; 7. pii:e41848
  6. Sun Z, Zheng Y, Liu W*. Identification and characterization of a novel calmodulin binding site in Drosophila TRP C-terminus. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018 Jun 22;501(2):434-439
  7. Wang Y, Shang Y, Li J, Chen W, Li G, Wan J, Liu W*, Zhang M*. Specific Eph receptor-cytoplasmic effector signaling mediated by SAM-SAM domain interactions.eLife. 2018 May 11; 7. pii: e35677
  8. Li Q, Yang W, Wang Y, Liu W*.Biochemical and structural studies of the interaction between ARAP1 and CIN85. Biochemistry. 2018 Apr 10;57(14):2132-2139
  9. Yao N#, Li J#, Liu H, Wan, Liu W*, Zhang M*. The structure of theZMYND8/Drebrin complex suggests a cytoplasmic sequestering mechanism of ZMYND8 by Drebrin. Structure. 2017 Nov 7; 25(11):1657-1666
  10. Ye F#, Liu W#, Shang Y, Zhang M*. An Exquisitely Specific PDZ/Target Recognition Revealed by the Structure of INAD PDZ3 in Complex with TRP Channel Tail. Structure. 2016 Mar 1; 24(3):383-91
  11. Liu H#, Li J#, Raval MH, Yao N, Deng X, Lu Q, Nie S, Feng W, Wan J, Yengo CM, Liu W*, Zhang M*. Myosin III-mediated cross-linking and stimulation of actin bundling activity of Espin. eLife,2016 Jan 19; 5: pii: e12856