
黄华艺,博士,现任广西壮族自治区人民医院检验科,教授/研究员,美国罗斯威尔帕克癌症中心(Roswell Park Cancer Institute)肿瘤外科讲座副教授,美国杜克大学医学中心病理系合作研究科学家,广西右江民族医学院附属医院肿瘤学客座教授。



19989月至20016月 博士,复旦大学

19909月至19936月 硕士,广西医科大学

19846月至19898月 学士,广西右江民族医学院

19799月至19827月 学士,广西百色民族卫生学校



  1. 黄华艺,TROP2与肿瘤及其作为潜在的肿瘤治疗靶点,中华病理学杂志,20134212):1-4
  2. Josephia R. Muindi, Araba A. Adjei, Zengru R. Wu, Isabel Olson, Huayi Huang, Adrienne Groman, Lili Tian, Prashant K. Singh, Lara E. Sucheston, Candace S. Johnson, Donald L. Trump, and Marwan G. Fakih. Serum Vitamin D Metabolites in Colorectal Cancer Patients Receiving Cholecalciferol Supplementation: Correlation with Polymorphisms in the Vitamin D Genes. Hormones and Cancer, 2013; 4(4): 242-250
  3. Abul KalamAzad, Isabelle Bairati, Xin Qiu, Huayi Huang, Dangxiao Cheng, Geoffrey Liu, Francois Meyer, Araba Adjei, Wei Xu. Genetic sequence variants in vitamin D metabolism pathway genes, serum vitamin D level and outcome in head and neck cancer patients. InternationalJournal of Cancer, 2013; 132(11): 2520-2527
  4. Mohamed M. Desouki, Shaoxi Liao, Huayi Huang, Jeffrey Conroy, Norma J. Nowak, Lori Shepherd, Daniel P. Gaile, Joseph Geradts. Identification of metastasis-associated breast cancer genes using a high-resolution whole genome profiling approach. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2011, 137(5): 795-809
  5. Huayi Huang, Khalid Sossey-Alaoui, Sarah Hejaily, Joseph Geradts. The tetraspanin superfamily member NET-6 is a new tumor suppressor gene. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2007, 133(10): 761-769
  6. Chaozan Nong, Lili Pan, Weisheng He, Xiliang Zha, Haihong Ye, Huayi Huang. P120ctn overexpression enhances the b-catenin-E-cadherin association and down regulates survivin and cyclin D1 inBEL-7404 hepatoma cell. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006, 12(8): 1187-1191