





1996年至1999 博士,同济大学

1993年至1996 硕士,东南大学

1989年至1993 学士,大连理工大学



  1. Carey, M. and Ge, Y. E. “Comparison of methods for path inflow reassignment for dynamic user equilibrium,” Networks and Spatial Economics, 12(3): 337-376, 2012
  2. Ge, Y. E. and Zhou, X. “An alternative definition of dynamic user optimum on signalized road networks,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, 46(3): 236–253, 2012
  3. Stewart, K., Ge, Y. E. “Dynamic Congestion Charging-Investigating boundary effects when applying low revenue tolls,”  presented at The Operations Research Society OR54 Conference, The University of Edinburgh, 4-6 September 2012
  4. Ge, Y. E., Stewart, K., Sun, B. and Ban, X. G. “Investigating undesired spatial and temporal boundary effects of congestion charging,” presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, 4-6 June 2012 on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
  5. Ge, Y. E., Sun, B. R., Zhang, H. M. and Szeto, W. Y. “A comparison of dynamic user optimal states with zero, fixed and variable tolerances,” presented at the 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2012), 4-6 June 2012, Boston, USA and to be reconsidered for publication with major revisions in Networks and Spatial Economics
  6. Stewart, K. and Ge, Y. E. “Optimising time-varying network flows by low-revenue tolling with fixed and bell-shaped toll profiles,” Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (ISBN: 978-988-98847-9-6), 17-20 December 2011, Hong Kong, pp. 393-400
  7. Ge, Y. E. “A stochastic choice model capturing decision-making behaviour on road transport networks under traveller information provision,” presented at the 2nd International Choice Modelling Conference, 4–6 July 2011, Oulton Hall, Leeds, England, U.K.
  8. Ge, Y. E., Wu, N. and Sun B. “Coupling Pipes car-following model with GM model.” Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 243-249, 4392-4401, 2011
  9. Ge, Y. E. and Stewart, K. “Investigating boundary issues arising from congestion charging in a bottleneck scenario,”  Chapter 16 of New Developments in Transport Planning: Advances in Dynamic Traffic Assignment, C. Tampère, F. Viti and L. H. Immers (eds), 303-326, Publisher: Edward Elgar, 2010
  10. Ge, Y. E. and Stewart, K. “Investigating boundary issues arising from congestion charging,” presented at the Fifth Travel Demand Management Symposium and forthcoming in the Proceedings, 26-28 October 2010, Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.
  11. Ge, Y. E. and Stewart, K. “Investigating boundary issues arising from congestion charging in a bottleneck scenario,” presented at the International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment(DTA)in June 2008 in Belgium
  12. Carey, M. and Ge, Y. E. “Retaining desirable properties in discretising a whole-link travel-time model,” Transportation Research Part B 41, 540-553, 2007
  13. Lin, J. and Ge, Y. E. “Impacts of traffic heterogeneity on roadside air pollution concentration,” Transportation Research 11D, 166-170, 2006