
杨振国,复旦大学材料科学系教授、博导,复合材料室、失效分析室负责人,复旦-安捷利全印制电子研发中心主任。全国标准化技术委员会委员,中国复合材料学会微纳米复合材料专业委员会委员,中国金属学会耐磨材料学术委员会委员,中国印制电路协会全印制电子分会 副会长,中国机械工程学会失效分析学会常务理事,中国体视学学会金相与显微分析学会常务理事,中国表面工程学会电镀学会常务理事,上海市安全生产协会副理事长,中国硅酸盐学会玻璃钢学会理事,中国石油和石化工程研究会理事,上海市电子学会理事,上海市印制电路行业协会顾问,《电子电镀》杂志副主编,《玻璃钢/复合材料》杂志编委,《理化检验-物理分册》杂志编委。


19944月至19955 博士后,德国国立德累斯顿聚合物研究所

19782月至19883 学士、硕士、博士,华东理工大学


  1. 复合材料(聚合物基、陶瓷基、金属基)
  2. 失效分析(金属材料、非金属材料)
  3. 电子材料(全印制电子材料、封装材料)


  1. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Xin-Hao Meng. Failure analysis of one peculiar ‘Yin-Yang’ corrosion morphology on heat exchanger tubes in purified terephthalic acid (PTA) dryer Engineering Failure Analysis, 2013, 31: 203-210
  2. Shi YAN, Fei-Jun CHEN, Yue-Yue MA, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Failure analysis of un-wetting for the surface finish on the ENIG. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2013, 13(2): 194-201
  3. Chao Yang, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Synthesis of Low Viscosity, Fast UV Curing Solder Resist Based on Epoxy Resin for Ink-jet Printing Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 129(1):187-192
  4. Zhen-Guo Yang*, Yi Gong, Jian-Zhong Yuan. Failure analysis of leakage on titanium tubes within heat exchanger in a nuclear power plant. Part I: Electrochemical corrosion. Materials and Corrosion, 2012, 63(1): 7-17.(cover page)
  5. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Jian-Zhong Yuan. Failure analysis of leakage on titanium tubes within heat exchanger in a nuclear power plant. Part II: Mechanical degradation Materials and Corrosion, 2012, 63(1):18–28
  6. Yu Tao, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Xiao-Lu Lu, Guo-Liang Tao, Yan-Ping Xia, Hai-Ping Wu*. Influence of filler morphology on percolation threshold of isotropical conductive adhesives (ICA). SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences , 2012, 55(1): 28-33
  7. Xiao-Wei Tian, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Ortho-substituted ortho-cresol novelac as an epoxy resin curing agent. International Journal of Polymeric Materials, 2012. 61(2): 136-143
  8. Wei-Ming Guo, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Jef Vleugels, Guo-Jun Zhang*. Effect of pressure loading cycle on spark plasma sintered ZrB2-SiC-Yb2O3 ceramics. Ceramics International, 2012, 38 (6):5293-5297
  9. 9. Wei-Ming Guo, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Guo-Jun Zhang. Synthesis of submicrometer HfB2 powder and its densification. Materials Letters, 2012, 83: 52-55
  10. 10. Wei-Ming Guo, Guo-Jun Zhang*, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Pressureless Sintering of Zirconium Diboride Ceramics with Boron Additive.Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012, 95(8): 2470–2473
  11. 11. Yi Gong, Yu-Fei Wang, Zhen-Guo Yang*. Impact Simulation on Ductile Metal Pipe with Polymer Coating by a Coupled Finite Element and Meshfree Method. Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2012, 12(3): 267-272
  12. 12. Yi Gong, Zhen-Guo Yang*, Fa-Yun Yang. Heat strength evaluation and microstructures observation of the welded joints of one China-made T91 steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 201221(7): 1313-1319