
Tiee-Jian Wu(吴铁肩),成功大学统计系教授。


1983  M.S. in Computer Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA

1982  Ph.D. in Statistics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA

1976  M.A. in Mathematics, Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA

1972  B.S. in Mathematics, 成功大学,Tainan, Taiwan


2000年至今 教授,成功大学统计系

2004年至2007 主任,成功大学调查统计研究中心

1995年至1997 教授,东华大学(台湾花)应用数学系

1983年至2000 副教授,休斯敦大学数学系

1987年至1988 访问学者,皇后大学

1990年至1991 客座专家,中央研究院统计科学研究所客座副教授


  1. Tiee-Jian Wu, P. Chen, Yanjun Yan (2012). The weighted average information criterion for multivariate regression model selection. Signal Processing
  2. E.-M. Buzaianu, P. Chen, Tiee-Jian Wu (2011). Subset selection procedures to identify electromagnetic fields following lognormal distributions. IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 5, 458-465
  3. P. Chen, L. Osadciw, Tiee-Jian Wu (2010). Multiple targets characterization of electromagnetic vulnerability. Signal Processing, 90, 344-351
  4. Tiee-Jian Wu, X. Shi, B. Miao (2009). Asymptotic approximation of inverse moments of nonnegative random variables. Statist. Probab. Letters, 79, 1366-1371
  5. P. Chen, Tiee-Jian Wu, J. Yang (2008). A comparative study of model selection criteria for the number of signals. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2, 180-188
  6. Tiee-Jian Wu, H-Y Chen (2008). Estimation in Linear regression measurement a) error models for processes with uncorrelated increments, J. Statist. Planning Inference, 138, 827-833
  7. Tiee-Jian Wu, C-F Chen, H-Y Chen (2007). A variable bandwidth selector in multivariate kernel density estimation. Statist. Probab. Letters, 77, 462-467
  8. Tiee-Jian Wu, Y.-H. Huang, L.-A. Li (2005). Optimal word sizes for dissimilarity measures and inference about the degree of dissimilarity between DNA sequences. a) Bioinformatics, 21, 4125-4132
  9. Tiee-Jian Wu, M.-H. Tsai (2004). Root n bandwidths selectors in multivariate kernel density estimation. Probab. Theory and Related Fields, 129, 537-558
  10. Tiee-Jian Wu, Y.-C. Hsieh, L.-A. Li (2001). Statistical Measures of DNA sequence dissimilarity under Markov chain model of base composition, Biometrics, 57, 441-448
  11. Tiee-Jian Wu, Y. Lin (2000). Information Bound for bandwidth selection in kernel estimation of density derivatives. Statistica Sinica, 10, 457-473
  12. Tiee-Jian Wu, A. Sepulveda (1998). The weighted average information criterion for order selection in time series and regression models. Statist. Probab. Letters39, 1-10
  13. Tiee-Jian Wu (1997). Root n bandwidth selectors for kernel estimation of density derivatives. J. American statistical association 92.536-547
  14. Tiee-Jian Wu, J.P. Burke, D.B. Davison (1997). A measure of DNA sequence dissimilarity based on Mahalanobis distance between frequencies of words. Biometrics, 53, 1431-1439
  15. Tiee-Jian Wu, M.T. Wasan (1996). Weighted least squares estimates in linear regression models for processes with uncorrelated increments. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 41, 273-286
  16. Tiee-Jian Wu (1996). An Lp nonuniform central limit bound for linear combinations of order statistics. Sankhya ,A, 58, 126-134
  17. Tiee-Jian Wu (1995). Adaptive root n estimates of integrated squared density derivatives. Annals of Statistics, 23, 1474-1495
  18. Tiee-Jian Wu, M.T. Wasan (1992). Some results on sequential unbiased estimation of a binomial parameter. Theory Probab. and Its Applications, 36, 411-419
  19. Tiee-Jian Wu (1992). Contiguous alternatives which preserve L1 nonuniform central limit bounds for a general class of statistics. Sankhya, A, 54, 107-114
  20. Tiee-Jian Wu, M.T. Wasan (1990). Time integrated least squares estimators of regression parameters of independent stochastic processes. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 35, 141--148
  21. Tiee-Jian Wu (1990). Lp nonuniform bounds for asymptotic normality of linear rank statistics. Statist. and Probab. Letters, 9, 361-365
  22. Tiee-Jian Wu (1989). Contiguous alternatives which preserve Cramer type large deviations for a general class of statistics. Annals Inst. Statist. Math., 41, 649-660
  23. Tiee-Jian Wu (1989). L1 nonuniform central limit bound for generalized rank statistics. J. Statist. Planning and Inference, 22, 243-250
  24. Tiee-Jian Wu (1988). A note on the Lp nonuniform rates of convergence to normality for signed linear rank statistics. Sankhya, A, 50, 282-285
  25. Tiee-Jian Wu (1987). Rates of weak convergence and large deviation probabilities for linear rank tests with type I censored data. J. Statist. Planning and Inference, 17, 67-79
  26. Tiee-Jian Wu (1987). An Lp error bound in normal approximation for signed rank statistics. Sankhya, A, 49, 122-127
  27. M.L. Puri, Tiee-Jian Wu (1987). The order of normal approximation for signed rank statistics. Theory Probab. and Its Applications, 31, 145-151
  28. Tiee-Jian Wu (1986). A large deviation result for signed linear rank statistics under the symmetry hypothesis. Annals of Statistics, 14, 774-780
  29. Tiee-Jian Wu (1986). On the Lp rates of convergence of simple linear rank statistics under contiguous alternatives. J. Statist. Planning and Inference, 15, 29-41
  30. M.L. Puri, Tiee-Jian Wu (1985). Gaussian approximation of signed rank statistics process. J. Statist. Planning and Inference, 11, 277-312
  31. M.L. Puri, Tiee-Jian Wu (1984). Asymptotic normality of the lengths of a class of nonparametric confidence intervals for a regression parameter. Canadian J. Statistics, 12, 217-228