
朱庆勇,博士,中山大学教授,博士生导师,多家著名期刊的编委,入选教育部2006年度新世纪优秀人才支持计划,广东省高等学校“千百十工程”培养对象,广东省力学学会常务理事,广东省计算数学学会理事,美国土木工程师学会会员等。在International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等国际知名期刊上发表科研论文50余篇,发明专利及计算机著作权4项。在国际学术大会做大会特邀报告和分组专题报告(keynote lecture3次,是第6届国际流体力学大会的组织委员并担任分组专题会议主席。






1997年至1999 博士后,中山大学数学博士后流动站计算数学专业

1992年至1997 硕博连读,中国科学院力学研究所流体力学专业

1988年至1992 学士,北京航空航天大学飞行器设计与应用力学系



  1. Q.Y. Zhu*, M.H. Xie, J. Yang, Y. Li. A fractal model for the coupled heat and mass transfer in porous fibrous media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2011) 54: 1400-1409
  2. Q.Y. Zhu*, M.H. Xie, J. Yang, Y. Li. Investigation of the 3D model of coupled heat and liquid moisture transfer in hygroscopic porous fibrous media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2010) 53: 3914-3927
  3. Q.Y. Zhu,*, Y. Li. Numerical simulation of the transient heat and liquid moisture transfer through porous textiles with consideration of electric double layer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2010) 53: 1417-1425
  4. Q.Y. Zhu*, Y. Li. Effects of pore size distribution and fiber diameter on the coupled heat and liquid moisture transfer in porous textiles, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2003) 46: 5099-5111
  5. Q.Y. Zhu, C. K. Chan*. High-order upwind compact scheme and simulation of turbulent premixed V-flame, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (2005) 49: 701-720
  6. Q.Y. Zhu*, Y. Li. An upwind compact approach with group velocity control for compressible flow fields, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (2004) 44: 463-482
  7. X.J. Ran, Q.Y. Zhu*, Y. Li. Investigation on heat and mass transfer in 3D woven fibrous material, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2011) 54: 3575-3586
  8. X.J. Ran, Q.Y. Zhu*, Y. Li. An explicit series solution of the squeezing flow between two infinite plates by means of the homotopy analysis method, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2009) 14: 119-132
  9. Q. Wang, Q.Y. Zhu*, M.Z. Liu. Stability and oscillations of numerical solutions for differential equations with piecewise continuous arguments of alternately advanced and retarded type, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (2011) 235: 1542-1552
  10. Q. Wang, Q.Y. Zhu*. Stability analysis of RungeKutta methods for differential equations with piecewise continuous arguments of mixed type, International Journal of Computer Mathematics (2011) 88(5): 1052-1066