





2003年至2005年 博士后,上海交通大学

1999年至2003年 博士,西北工业大学

1996年至1999年 硕士,西北工业大学

1992年至1996年 学士,西北工业大学



至今在国内外发表论文380余篇,其中包括IEEE Trans. AP、IEEE Trans. MTT、IEEE Trans. VT、IEEE AWPL、IEE Proc.Part H、Electronics Letters、 Nanomaterials、Scientific Reports等国际著名刊物,已在国际刊物发表论文近130余篇。其中5篇入选IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation的Popular paper, 两篇论文“A Novel Low-Profile Phased Antenna with Dual-port and Its Application in 1-D Linear Array to 2-D Scanning “和 “Dual-Port Phase Antenna and Its Application in 1-D Arrays to 2-D Scanning “被IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation推送为2022年天线与传播领域热点论文(WHAP:What‘s Hot in Antennas and Propagation)。已出版多本著作,其中由Springer 出版专著《Omnidirectional Slots Antenna》、《Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Antenna》、《Antenna Optimization and Design Based on Binary Coding 》和《Generalized principle of pattern multiplication and its application》,由北京邮电大学出版社出版《无线通信中的智能天线》,参与美国科学出版社出版的著作《Encyclopedia of Sensors》一书,提供其中一章“Fully distributed optical fiber sensor”;应邀合作参与Cambridge University Press出版的《Optical Antennas》一书,提供其中一章"Where high-frequency engineering advances optics: Active nano-particles as nanoantennas";应邀参与Intech Open 出版社出版的《Modern Antenna Systems》一书,提供一章“Omnidirectional circularly polarized antenna with high gain in wide bandwidth ”。还主持编写了由上海交通大学出版社出版的研究生教材《计算电磁学导论》。其中,《Omnidirectional Slots Antenna》还获得2021年度国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助,《计算电磁学导论》获上海市“高峰高原”学科建设计划资助。


2007年以来已获国家技术发明二等奖、教育部技术发明一等奖、上海市自然科学三等奖、横山亮次优秀论文奖、IWAT2010最佳论文奖、IEEE MAPE 2015最佳论文奖等多个奖项。2023年向上海交通大学图书馆捐赠《Omnidirectional Slots Antenna》、《Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Antenna》、《Antenna Optimization and Design Based on Binary Coding 》、《Generalized principle of pattern multiplication and its application》、《无线通信中的智能天线》和《计算电磁学导论》等原版图书。


  1. J. Geng, R. W. Ziolkowski, R. Jin,X. Liang, “Detailed performance characteristics of vertically polarized, cylindrical, active coated nano-particle antennas,” Radio Sci., VOL. 47, Issue 2, p. RS2013, doi:10.1029/2011RS004898, April 2012
  2. unping Geng, Richard W. Ziolkowski, Ronghong Jin, Xianling Liang, Numerical Study of the Near-Field and Far-Field Properties of Active Open Cylindrical Coated Nanoparticle Antennas, IEEE Photonics Journal, Dec., 2011, 3 (6), pp.1092-1110
  3. J. P. Geng, J. J. Li, R. H. Jin, S. Ye, X. L. Liang and M.Z.Li, The development of the curved microstrip antenna with defected ground structure, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 98, 53-73, 2009
  4. Hao Wu, Junping Geng, Ronghong Jin, Jizheng Qiu, Wei Liu, Jing Chen, Suna Liu, “An Improved Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimization and Its Application to the Semi-automatic Design of Antennas”, IEEE Transactions On Antennas and Propagation, 2009, 57, (10), pp.3018-3028
  5. Junping Geng, Ronghong Jin, etc "The Study on Electromagnetic Interferences of  Electric Motor  in HAPS", Aerospace Science and Technology, vol.9(7), pp.617-625, 2005
  6. Junping Geng, Ronghong Jin, etc., "An Improved Model for the Fully Distributed Temperature Single-mode Fiber Optic Sensor Based on Raman Optical Frequency-domain Reflectometry (ROFDR)", Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. Vol.6, pp.932-936, 2004