
刘全达,中国人民解放军第二炮兵总医院肝胆外科副主任医师、党支部书记。 第三军医大学西南医院博士,第二炮兵总医院博士后。




  1. Liu QD, Chen JZ, Xu XY, Zhang T, Zhou NX. Incidence of port-site metastasis after undergoing robotic surgery for biliary malignancies. World J Gastroenterology, 2012; 18(40): 5695-5701
  2. Liu Q, Ma K, Song Y, Zhou N, He Z. Two-Year Follow-up of radiofrequency ablation for patients with cirrhotic hypersplenism: Does increased hepatic arterial flow induce liver regeneration? Surgery, 2008, 143(4): 509-518
  3. Song Y, Liu QD, Zhou NX, Zhang WZ, Wang DJ. The diagnosis and management of autoimmune pancreatitis: experience from China. World J Gastroenterology, 2008, 14(4): 601-606. (Corresponding author)
  4. Song Y, Liu Q, Shen H, Jia Xin, Zhang H, Qiao L. Diagnosis and management of primary aortoenteric fistulas-experience learned from eighteen patients. Surgery, 2008, 143(1): 43-50. (SY and LQ contributed equally)
  5. Liu Q, Song Y, Zhou Y, Qiao L.  Bicyclol: A useful agent for chemoprevention of hepatocellular carcinoma? Cancer Biology Therapy, 2006; 5(12): 1674-1676
  6. Kamisawa T, Kim MH, Liao WC, Liu Q, Balakrishnan V, et al. Clinical characteristics of 327 Asian patients with autoimmune pancreatitis based on Asian diagnostic criteria. Pancreas, 2011; 40(2): 200-205
  7. Feng K, Ma K, Liu Q, Wu Q, Dong J, Bie P. Randomized clinical trial of splenic radiofrequency ablation versus splenectomy for severe hypersplenism. Br J Surgery, 2011, 98(3): 354-361
  8. 宋扬刘全达沈洪重症急性胰腺炎合并急性呼吸窘迫综合征的临床分析局解手术学杂志,2012,21(2):159-161 [通讯作者]
  9. 刘全达周宁新宋扬肝移植术后脾动脉盗血综合征六例诊治分析中国全科医学,2011,14(1B):174-177
  10. 刘全达宋扬乔海泉脾动脉盗血综合征被忽视的概念局解手术学杂志,2011,20(1):1-2
  11. 刘全达周宁新宋扬脾动脉盗血综合征一个被忽视的肝病治疗靶点临床肝胆病杂志,2011,27(3):241-244
  12. 刘全达周宁新宋扬脾动脉阻断技术在射频消融治疗门脉高压性脾功能亢进症中的应用临床肝胆病杂志,2011,27(2):136-139
  13. 刘全达孙万军许小亚射频消融治疗顽固性免疫性血小板减少症局解手术学杂志,2011,20(4):354-356
  14. 刘全达周宁新脾脏射频消融术治疗肝硬化性脾功能亢进症临床肝胆病杂志,2011,27(2):119-122
  15. 刘全达周宁新肝硬化性脾功能亢进的外科治疗局解手术学杂志,2008,17(3):149-150
  16. 刘全达张文智宋扬周宁新自身免疫性胰腺炎23例临床分析中国全科医学,2007,10(24):2084-2086
  17. 刘全达周宁新自身免疫性胰腺炎诊治的研究进展中华医学杂志,2007,87(20):1438 -1440
  18. 刘全达蔡守旺张文智周宁新自身免疫性胰腺炎-黄疸-胰头肿大-胆管壁增厚-CA19-9异常中华医学杂志,2007,87(9):640-642
  19. 宋扬沈洪刘全达胰源性门静脉高压症伴上消化道出血的诊治中国全科医学,2006,9(10):791-792 [通讯作者]