






1994年至1997年 博士,中国科学院数学所

1991年至1994年 硕士,北京师范大学



2010年至今   教授/博士生导师,北京师范大学数学学院

2002年至2010年 研究员,北京市首都师范大学数学学院

2004年至2005年 洪堡学者,德国马格德堡大学数学系

2001年至2002年 访问教授,台北中央研究院数学所

1999年至2001年 研究员,以色列希伯莱大学爱因斯坦数学所Lady Davis Golda Meir



  1. Jiequan Li and Zhicheng Yang, Heuristic modified equation analysis on oscillations in numerical solutions of conservation laws, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 49, 2386-2406, 2011
  2. Jiequan Li and Yuxi Zheng, Interaction of four rarefaction waves in the bi-symmetric class of the two-dimensional Euler equations, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 296, 303-321,2010
  3. Ee Han, Jiequan Li and Huazhong Tang, An adaptive GRP scheme for compressible fluid flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 229, 1448-1466, 2010
  4. Jiequan Li and Yuxi Zheng, Interaction of rarefaction waves of the two-dimensional self-similar Euler equations, Archive Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 193, 623-657, 2009
  5. Jiequan Li, Huazhong Tang, Gerald Warnecke and Lumei Zhang, Local oscillations in finite difference solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws, Mathematics of Computation, 78, 1997-2018, 2009
  6. Matania Ben-Artzi,Joseph Falcovitz and Jiequan Li, The convergence of the GRP scheme, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 23, 1&2, 1-27, 2009
  7. J. Glimm, X. Ji, Jiequan Li, X. Li, T. Zhang, P. Zhang and Y. Zheng, Transonic shock formation in a rarefaction Riemann problem for the 2-D compressible Euler equations, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 69, No. 3, 720-742, 2008
  8. Jiequan Li and Zhongfeng Sun, Remark on the generalized Riemann problem method for compressible fluid flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 222, 796-808, 2007
  9. M.Ben-Artzi and Jiequan Li, Hyperbolic conservation laws: Riemann invariants and the generalized Riemann problem, Numerische Mathematik, 106, 369-425, 2007
  10. Jiequan Li and Guoxian Chen, The generalized Riemann problem method for the shallow water equations with bottom topography, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 6, 834-862, 2006
  11. M. Ben-Artzi, Jiequan Li and Gerald Warnecke, A direct Eulerian GRP scheme for compressible fluid flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 218, 19-43, 2006
  12. Jiequan Li, Tong Zhang and Yuxi Zheng, Simple waves and a characteristic decomposition for the two dimensional compressible Euler equations, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 267, 1-12, 2006
  13. Jiequan Li and Gerald Warnecke, Generalized characteristics and the uniqueness of entropy solutions to zero-pressure gas dynamics, Advances in Differential Equations, Vol. 8, No. 8, 961-1004, 2003
  14. Jiequan Li and Peng Zhang, The transition from ZND to CJ theories for nonconvex scalar combustion model, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 34, No. 3, 675-699, 2003
  15. Jiequan Li, Global solution of an initialvalue problem for two--dimensional compressible Euler equations, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 179, No. 1, 178-194, 2002
  16. Jiequan Li, On the two--dimensional gas expansion for compressible Euler equations, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 62, No. 3, 831-852, 2001/2002
  17. Jiequan Li and Hanchun Yang, Delta-shocks as limit of solutions of multidimensional zero-pressure gas dynamics, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 59, No.2, 315-342, 2001
  18. Jiequan Li, On the uniqueness and existence problem for a multidimensional reacting and convection system, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 62, No. 2, 473-488, 2000
  19. Peng Zhang, Jiequan Li and Tong Zhang, On Two-dimensional Riemann problem for pressure-gradient equations in gas dynamics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, 609-634, 1998
  20. Shaozhong Cheng, Jiequan Li and Tong Zhang, Explicit construction of measure solutions of Cauchy problem for transportation equations, Science in China (Series A), Vol. 40, 12: 1287-1299, 1997